This is the last weekend of the "Hair Fair" in Second Life, an innovative fundraiser for the "Locks of Love" charity. Locks of Love, for those that don't know, is a nonprofit that provides hair for kids who have undergone chemotherapy or other medical procedure that causes them to lose their hair. For the last couple of years, a bunch of Second Life residents have been organizing the Hair Fair fundraiser to provide thousands of real world dollars to Locks of Love. Last year they raised nearly $10,000!
You can teleport directly to Hair Fair at this link.
If you aren't in Second Life, you don't understand what a big deal virtual hair is. The "slider hair" you create when you join Second Life is the most visible evidence that you are a noob. And hair is one of those hard-wired human forms of expression that has translated directly into Second Life. Literally thousands of dollars are exchanged every month to purchase meticulously designed "prim hair" for your avatar.
The Hair Fair is four sims worth of vendors selling their prim hair at bargain prices, with most or all of the proceeds going to Locks of Love. I love the idea that you can buy virtual hair for your avatar that can translate into real world hair for a kid that really needs it.
I ended up buying a couple of nice hair items from Aitui, after trying on several wacky creations by various hair artists. Lots of demo pieces are available to try out before you buy. In general, there are many more offerings for women than men, which I suppose should not be surprising. Still I found lots of great stuff my my male avatar.
Check out this cool promo video for Hair Fair created by my peeps at Ill Clan.
hair fair wasn’t long enough and i couldn’t get in at all