Gotta love this post on the Jam Cellar blog in DC about the Frankie 95 Festival start tomorrow:
This weekend marks the event where dancers from around the world
will come together in New York to celebrate the life of the incredible
Frankie Manning, see many presentations and hear personal stories, and
ultimately, try not to cry for five solid days.
"There's going to be some of the greatest swing bands in the world,
some of the greatest dancers on the dance floor, and some of the most
important contests out there, and probably giant banners of Frankie
Manning looking at us, all happy and peaceful. I mean, I just realized
yesterday that the whole thing was taking place over Memorial Day
weekend all along," said one dancer from Illinois. "Damnit, there I go
again." He said, wiping a sleeve over an eye.
Thanks The Riz and Swifty for the linkage.