While I was in DC for the real thing, apparently there were several virtual gatherings of people from around the world to watch the Inauguration of Barack Obama yesterday. My friends at Ill Clan Studios provided this excellent video coverage of one such event from NetRoots Nation in Second Life.
There were definite advantages to watching this historic live and in person. That said, the virtual inaugural viewing experience has its own unique attributes:
- Being among a gathering of individuals around the world for a shared experience in an immersive space
- Chatting and banter without disturbing the ongoing proceedings
- Less likely to get frostbite
- Obamania souvenirs are much cheaper!
- Lag and logouts are way better than long lines and crowded Metro trains
- You can Google the right words when the Justice Roberts messes up
- No restricted ticketed areas
- Your sequined designer ballgown for the SL Capitol Hill ball only costs US$2
- No porta-potties
Good stuff, Ill Clan folks!
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