Here’s one of our teens Sabina enjoying the simple wonder of fireflies in Chicago.
Yesterday, we headed over to Taste of Lincoln Avenue, which was pretty cool but a bit intense for the teens. Lots of adults milling about drinking beer, very loud rock music, and no real place to just chill out. So we retreated to a local park where our teens went bananas playing on the swings, slides, and monkey bars like they were five-years-old. Then we headed back to our swanky hotel near O’Hare to crash out.
Today we’re headed back to the Field Museum to catch any exhibits the teens missed in the past few days. Surprisingly, the teens were super-enthusiastic about returning to the Field Museum, even though we have basically trapped them in there for two days already. Then we head to a flight into La Guardia in the early evening. Crossing fingers all goes as planned.