So I just found out that the May 3rd "First Saturday" program at the Brooklyn Museum will again focus on the arts and culture of Japan. This immediately follows their April "First Saturday" program, which also focused on Japan, particularly anime art. So Brooklyn Museum has chosen to focus on Japan for two months in a row during their extremely popular First Saturday series. This is in addition to their enormous exhibit featuring the Japanese pop artist Takashi Murakami.
Now I’m not haterating. I love Japan and its culture, arts and wacky pop sensibility. But why should one culture — among the thousands of other ones in the world that could be featured — get so much love from a city-sponsored institution? It doesn’t really make any sense to me. Color me confused and annoyed.
That’s funny. I love Brooklyn, Japan. Wapanese all the way hehe.
That’s funny. I love Brooklyn, Japan. Wapanese all the way hehe.
That’s funny. I love Brooklyn, Japan. Wapanese all the way hehe.