Just a quick reminder that the fabulous Non-profit Commons sim launch party is tomorrow, starting at 5:30PM PST (teleport SLURL). The event will feature presentations by Anshe Chung (donor of the NPC), Jeska Linden of Linden Labs, Gliteractica Cookie of Techsoup, In Kenzo of Amoration, and a host of others.
Then from around 7PM, its time to put on your twirly skirt and spectators for a swing dance party hosted by my group Yehoodi. I will be DJing
from the lakeside of the Commons, just outside the Yehoodi headquarters
(teleport SLURL.)
I’m throwing together a mix of tunes from the classics of swing to more modern arrangements by some of the finest
swing bands around the country and the world.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event of the sim filling up, which is quite likely given the press coverage we’ve been getting, residents are advised to head over to our neighboring sim Plush Lake West (teleport SLURL) where we will have an overflow area where we’ll be playing the audio stream of the event. This is conveniently a few meters from the location of the Yehoodi party, so you should be good to go once the dancing starts!