Justin Duell (pictured above) chaired the first meeting of the Democratic Party of SL today from 6-7PM PST in the Capitol Hill sim. Most of the meeting was taken up with discussing how to move forward after an initially failed attempt at fundraising for the party HQ, upcoming meetings, and the role of the group in general.
What follows is an unedited chatlog of the event…
Meeting of Democratic Party of SL
April 9, 2007 6-7pm PST
Capitol Hill Sim
Unedited Chatlog Follows:
Justin Duell: Greetings, everyone.
Justin Duell: I apologize for being tardy.
Justin Duell: Great to see this kind of turnout. Thank you all for comming.
Justin Duell: First off, can someone take minutes?
Rik Riel: I’m happy to publish the chat log
Justin Duell: Excellent. Thank you.
Justin Duell: Alright…the basic plan is to find a sweet spot during the week in which we can assemble the majority of the people in our group. I’ll take steps to find that time during the week, and will keep everyone informed.
Justin Duell: Aside from that, the first thing I have on the agenda is a formal apology to the group for my inaction as of late. The recent issue with the…’fund drive’, in order to secure land for an HQ fell through….hard; and now alot of people are out alot of money.
LailaLei Mathilde: well, what happened exactly?
Justin Duell: Jose Rote began a fund drive to gather the L$ to buy a plot of land for our HQ. Alot of people contributed…
Slobeck Tuncsik: how is the money lost?
Flight Band: All Go
Justin Duell: The money was collected by Jose personally. Needless to say, all of the notices concerning everything related to his efforts have been deleted; and Jose himself has been out of contact.
Slobeck Tuncsik: he took it?
LailaLei Mathilde: why have the notices been deleted?
Elizabetha Pirandello: Was he reported to LL
Slobeck Tuncsik: sorry, I don’t mean to hammer you with questions…
LailaLei Mathilde: justin, did he take the money? and then cover his tracks by deleting the notices?
Justin Duell: There are possible legal proceedures to persue, and I am looking into them…the only people capable of deleting those notices are the other committee members, and the group owner himself…
Slobeck Tuncsik: wow. Well, we’re here n now.. we can still do good things…
Slobeck Tuncsik: perhaps with safeguards somehow built in?
Justin Duell: So, as it has been so long, it’s safe to assume that they managed to pull a fast one…however, I’m confident that there is at least something that can be done about it; and I will keep the party informed of any progress made.
Slobeck Tuncsik: Is there the possibility of doing that project in association with the DNC? A RL treasurer, maybe from they’re group could manage the accounts as part of they’re budgets for 08?
Elizabetha Pirandello: thank you Justin
Justin Duell: Again, I am partially responsible, as I should have taken more steps to supervise the matter; so, for what it is worth, I’m doing what I can to make sure that they don’t get away with this.
Justin Duell: The DNC is another Democratic group, right?
Rik Riel: (I hope you are kidding)
Morgan Northmead: It seems to me that we may have quite a bit to offer the rl DNC, if only in the current PR visibility of SL.
Slobeck Tuncsik: The Dempocratic Nation al Commitee
Justin Duell: Oh, hah, I thought you were referring to another SL group, not the actual DNC, heh.
Slobeck Tuncsik: Well, I know PR, and some good schmoozing in some well placed phone calls could work wonders.
Morgan Northmead: Do we have any support or connections in the DNC?
Rik Riel: I’d be very surprised if the DNC would step in to help this group just because we couldn’t manage our own finances properly
Slobeck Tuncsik: If we dont’ we ought make ’em
Morgan Northmead: Or will we start from scrathc?
Rik Riel: its not how they operate
Justin Duell: Unfortunately, we’ve no ties to the DNC. For all intents and purposes, we are starting from scratch.
Slobeck Tuncsik: I mean giver them a reason to do it.
Morgan Northmead: Perhaps we don’t need to discuss the finance glitch with them
Morgan Northmead: If our aim is to support the Party, then wqe offer them an opportunity to get PR
Rik Riel: I think we should get our own house in order, not involve them unless absolutely necessary
Slobeck Tuncsik: S’ok… I am confident that if there are 10 people here with 1/2 the enthusiasm for this as I have. We will do great things.
Morgan Northmead: Yes
Slobeck Tuncsik: Well, I think that if you want a candidate to really make an appearance.. especially after the nomination, we wil HAVE to have very good relationships with the DNC
Justin Duell: I am going to go with Rik’s stance on this. Working with the DNC would provide great opportunities, however we’ve a small number of infrastructure issues to deal with first.
Morgan Northmead: Absolutely so
Slobeck Tuncsik: Right, well, I have connections inside San Francisco city government, and in the local media
Elizabetha Pirandello: agreed work on our own probs first
Justin Duell: Excellent, Slobeck…believe me, we’ll be looking to that in due time.
Elizabetha Pirandello: I have some small connectiosn to Maine Democratic party comittee
Morgan Northmead: When the time is right, it might make sense to write to them directly at the national level
Morgan Northmead: SL is the darling of the media just now, after all
Justin Duell: The first thing we will need to do, is set up a time that is convenient for the lot of our group.
Justin Duell: However, I’ll take care of that during the week.
Elizabetha Pirandello: Perhaps if we all let you know what tiem zone we are in..
Morgan Northmead: this time seems workable – not too late on east coast, not too early on west
Elizabetha Pirandello: I agree!
Justin Duell: This is a great turnout; however for the number of people in our group, we could use more.
Rik Riel: give us more than a few hours notice
Justin Duell: Yeah… >_>
Elizabetha Pirandello: hehhe yes please!
Rik Riel: monday ain’t bad tho
Morgan Northmead: I agree
Slobeck Tuncsik: mondays are nice.. this is a good time too..
Willow Dion: Six SL is about as late as can be for East Coast
Elizabetha Pirandello: hmmm Good for me!
Justin Duell: Alright then. I’ll open the floor to questions [I’m sure you have plenty more], and suggestions.
Slobeck Tuncsik: true that
Slobeck Tuncsik: I think we should try to end by 6
Slobeck Tuncsik: thats 9 on the east coast
Slobeck Tuncsik: kinda late if people actually have lives 🙂
Justin Duell: Ideally, I don’t want any one meeting to exceed two hours in length; no matter how heated the discussion.
Willow Dion: yes
Morgan Northmead: agreed
Slobeck Tuncsik: Is it possible to adopt some modified "robert’s rules" for ust?
Elizabetha Pirandello: comon Slobeck 10 Eastern time is not tooo bad!
Rik Riel: Justin, as we get closer to the primaries, what is going to be the role of this group vis-a-vis the different candidates groups?
Slobeck Tuncsik: it might help us stay within the time bounds..
Slobeck Tuncsik: 10 not so bad!!
Slobeck Tuncsik: Im on the west.. i was trying toi look out for my eastern bros and sis’s
Justin Duell: I don’t see any problems with that off-hand, Slobeck. We’ll work it out in time for the next meeting.
Slobeck Tuncsik: 🙂
Morgan Northmead: 10 is late to start, if we go two hours
Elizabetha Pirandello: One group I kow of has a talking chair or box if you stand on it it shusshes other people
Justin Duell: As far as our role….well, that is up to us to define. The only question to be asked in that regard is: How far do we want to take this?
Slobeck Tuncsik: Shouldn’t we aim to END by 10EST
Slobeck Tuncsik: ?
Elizabetha Pirandello: yes end at 10 est that is what I meant
Slobeck Tuncsik: absolutly.. timing being everything. We should not be afraid to try to get campaigns in RL excited about the opportunities in world, they should come tro US for exposure in-world
Morgan Northmead: but then the west coast is not home from work
Slobeck Tuncsik: there’s HUGE potential.. its all about commitment and energy
Slobeck Tuncsik: 7pm PDT?
Slobeck Tuncsik: oh right 5-7
Justin Duell: We have plenty of time to discuss opportune schedueling, believe me, it will get done.
LailaLei Mathilde: question: will this party’s platform mirror the RL DNC platform?
Rik Riel: Slobeck, isnt that already being done by the different in-world candidate’s groups?
Morgan Northmead: I certainly hope so
Justin Duell: That’s up for us to decide, Laila.
Slobeck Tuncsik: goood question– shold we draft a platform doc?
Morgan Northmead: question: are we working for RL efficacy, or for SL purposes?
Justin Duell: Though consecutive meetings in the future, we’ll have the opportunity to thuroughly analyze the DNC platform, and amend it to fit the interests of our group.
Slobeck Tuncsik: As a group, are we going to avoid endorsements until after the primary?
Justin Duell: To answer you, Morgan, we are very capable of doing both.
LailaLei Mathilde: thats what the republicans are doing
Rik Riel: I would see this group as serving a coordinating function for teh different candidate’s groups activities and actions.
Morgan Northmead: yes
Slobeck Tuncsik: nice.
Rik Riel: Make sure the Obama group, Clinton, Clark and Edwards folks are playing nice and helping the party
Justin Duell: That proposal would best be made to the DNC after our group is on it’s own two feet.
Slobeck Tuncsik: agreed.
Morgan Northmead: are there any official candidate sites other than Edwards? Or all they all grassroots?
Elizabetha Pirandello: agreed
Slobeck Tuncsik: i think just edwards?
Rik Riel: the rest are grassroots, unendorsed
Willow Dion: Clinto has one
Redaktisto Noble: All are unendorsed – some have limited campaign involvement.
Rik Riel: Altho Clinton’s people are negotiating right now
Morgan Northmead: Maybe there is a need to at least get recognition from RL
Slobeck Tuncsik: Thats what I was encouraging..
Elizabetha Pirandello: yes Morgan If this group doesnt another group may seek recognition
Morgan Northmead: right!
Justin Duell: Right now, only Avram and myself are assigned as committee members for the sake of coordinating efforts. However, we are going to need some dedicated roles [treasurer, Media contact, etc.], for the people who are best suited for them.
Slobeck Tuncsik: I am quite interested in trying to build relationships and connections to at least the local campaigns in my area.
Morgan Northmead: wonderful
Rik Riel: I don’t agree. This group should be a platform for other democratic candidates and groups to coordinate though.
Morgan Northmead: yes
Rik Riel: Not focused on Real world press or attention.
Slobeck Tuncsik: could you elaborate?
Slobeck Tuncsik: but why not?
Morgan Northmead: but why does that mean that we cannot find RL connections?
Redaktisto Noble: I don’t think any group like this will get official recognition from the DNC – we need to be a resource for inworld organizing and get good at that.
Rik Riel: We can be connected to real life activities, but our role should be more supportive and connective.
Morgan Northmead: SL, in terms of voter potential, is tiny. But in terms of impact potential, huge. We cannot ignore RL
Slobeck Tuncsik: I suggest that that very thing begins with small RL connections to the local party effortsw
Slobeck Tuncsik: agreed
Elizabetha Pirandello: Perhaps some one from DNC could come in world with lus!!
Justin Duell: That would be a nice twist.
Morgan Northmead: that would be perfect, I think
LailaLei Mathilde: i think the priority should be organizing the group first, then getting rl acknowledgement
Morgan Northmead: indeed
Elizabetha Pirandello: If candidates are coing in why not the RL DNC huh?
Justin Duell: Our efforts in RL, and any recognition we hope to get there, will be directly related to our impact in-would.
Justin Duell: So, our In-would efforts need to take priority.
Redaktisto Noble: Candidates aren’t coming in – and getting the real DNC in at this point would be even more difficult.
Slobeck Tuncsik: I think a lot of attention now, could really make that happen. All we need it to get a staffer excited about it.. on the wow factor alone, and the ball will start rolling.
Slobeck Tuncsik: true that.
Elizabetha Pirandello: agreed Justin should put cart to much before horse
Elizabetha Pirandello: not oto much srry
Justin Duell: We need to have something to show the world before we present ourselves to them as such.
Elizabetha Pirandello: up!
Justin Duell: Sure, that can come in due time…but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.
LailaLei Mathilde: i think you should build and organize your base, invigorate said base, then when that is finished show RL what youre doing
Justin Duell: Right now, we need to coordinate efforts between the people in our group. I believe that it would best start with finding out exactly what we need to do, and setting the people who are willing to do work on it.
Rik Riel: LailaLie speaks my mind
Justin Duell: One step at a time. We’ll reach our goal faste
r than you will think.
Elizabetha Pirandello: I thin we are all agreed on that!
Redaktisto Noble: What is the goal exactly?
Slobeck Tuncsik: Could we have a debate? with an audience? not with polititians, but some of us?
Slobeck Tuncsik: or some event to attract politically active peopl?
Justin Duell: I’m sure that can easily be arranged, Slobeck.
Slobeck Tuncsik: in SL?
Justin Duell: Yes.
Justin Duell: Trust me, it won’t be difficult.
Justin Duell: However, as agred…the first thing we start on is our Base.
Elizabetha Pirandello: "Fraid I have to get going… see yuo all next time..
Justin Duell: Personally, I’m more for general support of the party as a pose to jumping behind any one particulaur candidate.
Morgan Northmead: BTW, the comment on Robert’s Rules made sense; we seem to agree on things without a vote to verify it
Slobeck Tuncsik: I have some of the candidates’ staances on some issues sure to be debated in-party. It would be interestring to debate them from the positions of the candidates. A la yale style
Slobeck Tuncsik: right
Willow Dion: I got to leave to sorry
Slobeck Tuncsik: rob’s rules are great but they need to be modified for typed discussions i should think.
Slobeck Tuncsik: Justin: can we submit agenda itms to you for the next meeting?
Justin Duell: Morgan makes a point. Let me state now that if anything is being said that any of you don’t agree with; please speak up. We’ll have a proper format for next meeting, but for now, we’re sticking to the informal.
Justin Duell: Yes, for the agenda on the next meeting, feel free to throw me any items [on a notecard….condensed on a notecard not in several of them] that you will want to see on the agenda.
Slobeck Tuncsik: perfect. That will be a good start
Justin Duell: The day after each meeting, I’ll consolidate what I have been given, and list the agenda the day after the meeting.
Justin Duell: This will give everyone a long heads-up as to the approaching issues, along with plenty of time to make any amendments.
Slobeck Tuncsik: i’m confused. when would we submit them? during some period between meetings, right? I assume you’ll need a deadline so as not to get crammed las minute.
Justin Duell: Right. So, for instance, at the conclusion of this meeting; until the day before the next; feel free to submit anything you want to see discussed on the agenda.
Slobeck Tuncsik: wow. ok. That doesnt give us a lot of time to think about it.
Justin Duell: The only difficulty so-far is that we don’t have our next meeting date set in stone…but we’ll establish that easily enough….with more advancd warning.
Justin Duell: A week isn’t long enough?
Slobeck Tuncsik: oh. i see. not just right after the meeting.
Slobeck Tuncsik: sorry..
Justin Duell: For instance…assuming our next meeting is on monday; feel free to throw me anything you want added from tuesday to Sunday
Justin Duell: The day before the meeting, whenever it is, will be the cutoff.
Slobeck Tuncsik: fantastic, thats very generous.
Justin Duell: The next official meeting won’t be for another week; however I’ll be contacting the group on a regulaur basis from now until then to make sure that things are properly coordinated and set up.
Justin Duell: Keep a heads up for notices and info about the information I will be needing from each member of the party; send me information on what you want to see listed on the agenda for the following meeting; and feel free to address me with any other issues or concerns.
Morgan Northmead: I must also go – its getting late on East Coast – good meeting – I am looking forward to the next
Justin Duell: I’m just one of the three leaders of the group…one of which isn’t very active; so I’ll be effectively holding the horse by the reigns[sp?] on this. If there is anything else people would like to see done, I’m the guy to let it be known to.
Justin Duell: Yeah…no worries. I realize that it’s prety late…so now, at 7PM SLT, I’ll call a conclusion to the meeting, unless anyone else has an issue that can’t wait until next week.
Slobeck Tuncsik: Thnkyou, Justin for your efforts. Likewise to everyone who took the time to come. It’s very encouraging.
Justin Duell: Any other issues to be brought to the floor?
Slobeck Tuncsik: I’d make a motion to adjourn, but are we doing that?
Justin Duell: Yeah. Adjourning unless someone has another issue to bring up.
Rik Riel: I second the motion to adjourn
Justin Duell: With no Agenda for this meeting, I’m keeping it open.
Justin Duell: Alright. Anyone NOT want to adjourn?
Justin Duell: …I’m going to take that as a no.
Rik Riel: good meeting. thanks for chairing Justin
Rik Riel: /applause
Justin Duell: Thank you all for comming. This now concludes the…well, for all intents and purposes, first meeting of the DPSL.
Slobeck Tuncsik: lets all be good ambassadors for the party and get people pumped.
Rik Riel: does anyone know the next major in-world democratic candidate event?
Justin Duell: I’ll send the minutes though the group by the end of the day.
Rik Riel: Justin I can post to web and/or send to you as a notecard?
Justin Duell: Send the the notecard please.
LailaLei Mathilde: im not aware of anything, rik… maybe the obama relaunch whenever that happens
Justin Duell: I’ll need to send it to the group.
Rik Riel: Hilary’s got a new HQ
Slobeck Tuncsik: official?
LailaLei Mathilde: nooo
Rik Riel: no, same group
LailaLei Mathilde: the relaunch was yesterday
Rik Riel: but they moved cause they were getting griefted or something
Slobeck Tuncsik: it would be so cool if c-span could be streamed to the video screens
Rik Riel: I’ve asked Clear Ink about that, but they can’t get the clearances
Slobeck Tuncsik: wow.
Slobeck Tuncsik: do we have enough membership to form sub-committees for various tasks ?
Justin Duell: We’ll get on that next week.
Slobeck Tuncsik: right i was just wondering numbers wise
Slobeck Tuncsik: I am bemused that the repubs have almost no presence in SL
Justin Duell: Alright then. I’ll be on my way. Look for minutes later tonight, along with more notices about what needs to be done until next week.