Today was the official opening of the in-world art show of photos from the book Fandomania by Elena Dorfman. That’s Elena’s avatar Stanley Dench in the background. I was there in full Tron armor glory, but decided to switch over to my tiny kitten avatar (I’m the black one, of course.) Seemed more apropos, given the cosplay theme.
Nice event. Crowded and boistrous, like New York art openings. I have a few more pictures from the opening on flickr.
Hey Rik, Pip (Heather’s husband) here. Couple comments for ya:
1. So I bethought myself about five seconds ago, “I’ma sign up for this 2nd Life shiznit. See what the hell the fuss is all about. First thing I am confronted with is having to choose my last name from a list of about, like, three really bad names. What the crap’s that about!? That’s what we in teh interwebs bidness call a ‘barrier to signup’. Bad. Haven’t signed up because I don’t want to be called Pip Ballimer or whatev.
2. Dude. Your blog has no actionable content above the fold. Fix it. Trashed people totally can’t find how comment within the requisite half second of drunken wossname… er. attention span. You need an enormous, preferably red, button that says “Start the burbling stream of consciousness now!”
3. There is no 3.
Um, just Philip being drunk and trying to be funny. He was trying to figure out second life and I told him to check out your blog.
Oh, by the way, your cats, Geisha and Vespa, look a hell of a lot like ours; it’s adorable! Check it out:
Oh your cats are GORGEOUS.
Drunk posting is always dangerous. Lol!