The show Physical 100 on Netflix is built around the conceit that there is a “perfect physique.” And thus the producers designed a series of challenges to put various body types and builds against each other to see which is “the best.”
That is, of course, a ridiculous statement, but one that often gets trumped out when talking about physical health. “His form is perfect,” “She has perfect abs,” “he is the strongest person in the world,” etc.
The reality is that different bodies serve different purposes. And one strength can be a weakness in another context. Being very muscular can mean that you aren’t very flexible. Being very tall means that you can’t fit into tight spaces. You might have explosive energy but little stamina.
So the question becomes, what is the best physique for what you are trying to achieve? E.g. climbing mountains calls for a different strengths than swimming 50 meters or dead lifting weights.
The show also causes me to think about all the other attributes that contributed to the finalists of “Physical 100” — their emotional and mental fitness. Their ability to strategize, to endure pain, to handle stress, to communicate with teammates, to focus on the goal at all costs. Whatever body you have, these skills are important to cultivate.
What goals do you have for yourself? And what physical and mental form do you need to be in to achieve those goals? What steps are you taking to be in the best shape you can be?
For me, I know that I need better physical stamina, I am easily distracted from my goals, and I am afraid of dealing with conflict.