I’m super excited about the interior design work on the Global Kids headquarters in NYC that is being finished today. I came in early to document the new office elements while they are all pristine and clean. Gotta love all the inspiring quotes from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ways to…
Draxtor Despres getting Internews prize for Virtual Gitmo machinima story!
Just got this exciting news from my friend Second Life journalist Draxtor Despres: he has been awarded the "Every Human Has Rights" media award for his report on the "Virtual Gitmo" build in Second Life. Drax is heading to Paris, France, courtesy of news agency Internews to take part in a ceremony with 30 other…
Global Kids gets a makeover
Here’s some quick pictures of some of the neat interior design stuff going on at Global Kids right now! Such a cool place to work. Above is the text from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, that now adorns the wall leading to our kitchen. And here’s the doors to our men’s…
Brilliant Fake New York Times from the Future: Iraq War Ends!
Big time congratulations to the team behind the fake New York Times from the future that hit the streets and the web today! The combination of great writing, design, and transmedia marketing is totally impressive. I’ve got a physical copy of the paper on my desk, courtesy of my co-worker Jay who brought in a…
Life Lesson I learned through Second Life: Immersion Aversion
As part of the neat "Mix-and-Match" game that several Second Life bloggers are playing today, I was assigned the task of blogging about a "life lesson" I learned through Second Life (topic suggested by Joan Kremer). I chose to write about what Second Life has taught me about how I am both attracted to and…
Merrick Thor on Philip Linden’s awful hair
This blog post was made by Merrick Thor for "The Click Heard Round The World", as a part of: The 1st Second Life Bloggers Mix’n Match event Organised by Vint Falken and ArminasX Saiman (Topic suggested by Dusan Writer). ATTENTION! We interrupt your regularly scheduled blogpost for this total waste of your time … =D…
SLim for Teens? New Second Life IM client works on Teen Grid! (Correction)
My colleague Rafi and I just tried to connect to each other using the new Second Life instant messaging client "SLim." We are both on the Teen Grid as part of our educational activities at Global Kids. As I suspected, SLim does not appear to work for Teen Grid accounts. My guess is that this…
My post on MacArthur Foundation Blog: Global Kids’ Aha! Moments in 2008
The MacArthur Foundation "Spotlight" blog just published a post I wrote about some Global Kids "Aha!" moments we’ve had while conducting our virtual educational programs over 2008. Thanks to Barry Joseph for inspiring this post and suggesting the different lessons that I wrote about. This post is also a plug for the "sneak preview" of…
President Obama and the desire for ephemera
So many people around me agree that we are living in a rare historic time in history: we are about to see the first African-american serve as President of the United States. One thing that I have found remarkable about these times is how much people are clamoring for ephemera and objects to mark this…
Philip LOLlinden on Linden Prize: NEED NU STUFF
Sorry, love you guys at Linden Lab, but couldn’t resist.