We just finished the "virtual activism" panel at the Games for Change conference in the Parson School in Manhattan. Glitteractica Cookie of Techsoup, In Kenzo of Amoration, and Beth Kanter were great. Unfortunately the skype stream from Jeska Linden of Linden Labs failed. But Jeska participated in world, answering people’s questions and adding to the…
“Virtual Activism” mixed-reality event today at 10:15AM in Plush Non-profit Commons
Just a reminder that the 4th annual Games for Change conference will feature a mixed-reality panel TODAY on "virtual activism" at 10:15AM EST. Games for Change brings together game developers, industry experts, academics and non-profits to discuss how to use digital games to promote social change. The "virtual activism" panel will feature several experts on…
See indie flick “Four Eyed Monsters” for free on YouTube until June 15
Until the end of the week, you can see the entire film "Four Eyed Monsters" for free on YouTube. I saw the movie a couple of months ago during their Second Life release party, and can recommend it highly. If you like the flick, or just want to support the independent filmmakers Susan and Arin,…
Urb Magazine features SL club scene
Doubledown Tandino sends out the news that the urban style magazine Urb has a cool article in their June 2007 issue on the Second Life club scene. They do take a few liberties with the actual experience of being in SL. Here’s how the article, written by Eric Rice, opens: It’s a typical Friday night…
The Harlem Hotshots on Swedish TV Talent Show
Here’s an amazing video of the Swedish lindy hop performance group the Harlem Hotshots kicking ass and taking names at what looks to be a Swedish equivalent of "America’s Got Talent" called "Talang." Wish I knew what the judges were saying, but clearly they were pleased. There’s a couple more videos up on YouTube for…
The Peabody: all the kids are doing it nowadays
This is me attempting to peabody with my friend Monica. I have no idea why my mouth is open like that. Cindy and I had a marvelous day at Governors Island today, enjoying the beautiful sunshine and cool breezes as we listened to the old-timey sounds of the Michael Arenella Orchestra. It was a great…
Demand “Planet B-Boy” in your town
I got a message from the makers of the kick ass breakdance documentary "Planet B-Boy" today, asking for help in finding a distributor for their amazing indie film. Cindy and I saw it a couple of months ago and were totally blown away by the dancing, the great backstories on the different crews, and the…
Tell the FCC to keep the Net Neutral
The Save the Internet Coalition is asking folks from all over to tell the FCC to keep the Net Neutral. It only takes a few minutes to submit your story — here’s mine. I played up the virtual world angle, since I figured few others would be doing that. But if you are a business…
USC hiring a virtual worlds project manager
Off of the Association of Internet Researchers Listserv this morning, I saw this job opening for a project manager of the "Public Diplomacy and Virtual Worlds Project" at USC’s Center on Public Diplomacy. USC has been involved in lots of interesting stuff from the iCommons summit next week to some "serious games" initiatives. So sounds…
Summer Swingin in the City
The summertime is the perfect time for a lindy hopper in the city. There’s a slew of free or cheap swing-related events going on nearly every weekend. The season kicks off with Michael Arenella and his Dream Orchestra playing on the beautiful Governor’s Island this Saturday. Emphasizing roaring 20s and 30s music, they are perfect…