The New York Times yesterday published an editorial on internet governance and the WSIS. It basically supports the US government position that control of the root server resources should remain with ICANN under the supervision of the US Department of Commerce. In the editorial the Times expresses the same fears that transferring control of the…
Capturing a Moment in Time
I am enjoying a little holiday with my dad in the spectacular Yosemite national park. We are doing a photographer’s weekend, toting along our various cameras, tripods, and laptops to capture some of the amazing fall colors out here. It’s a great getaway. Cell phone service is almost non-existant here, but the lodge does have…
Video-on-demand rocks my world
I like music videos. I like movies. I like getting to choose when I watch them. So video-on-demand is a natural for me. I have Time Warner’s digital cable, and I have to say its a major boost to my quality-of-life index. I came home late last night after a party and wanted to watch…
Senator Coleman draws line in the sand on Internet Governance
US Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota a couple of days ago introduced a “sense of the Senate” resolution calling for the US to fight any efforts to turn over internet governance to the United Nations. His main argument is that turning over oversight of the internet’s structural resources over to an international body would mean…
Shirin Ebadi nominated by Civil Society to speak in Tunis
In a rare show of solidarity and unanimity, WSIS civil society groups have strongly recommended that Ms. Shirin Ebadi, Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2003, speak on behalf of civil society at the opening ceremony of the WSIS in November. Ms. Shirin Ebadi is a staunch human rights defender in her country, its first…
Hit “enter” to exit
I had an interesting experience this afternoon helping an older woman navigate through the website I had developed a few months ago. I was reminded that you can never tell where people will get tripped up by your site design. This is particularly true for a site being accessed by folks with various degrees…
What if you held a UN Summit and no one came?
Despite promises to the contrary, it seems likely that high-level attendance at the World Summit on the Information Society will be quite low, probably less than at the first summit in Geneva in 2003. This article in on 14 October notes that only 30 heads of state have committed to attend the WSIS, compared…
Dumb Bloggers Post about “UN Taking over the Internet”
I’m getting sick and tired of all these bloggers posting paranoid Black Helicopter visions of the United Nations “taking over” the internet. As if the United Nations was one monolithic superpower threatening to engulf the poor, beleagured United States. In fact the situation is the reverse. Among the ill-informed blog entries on the subject are:…
Ex-girlfriend Spam?
I keep getting cryptic messages from an ex-girlfriend’s email address with titles like “update” and “hi there.” They contain no message, just suspicious attachments like “message.exe” and “update.exe.” The mind reels. What could it mean? Have the spammers figured out the email addresses of my former girlfriends, knowing that I can not resist opening mail…
When Cultures Clash: NGOs versus Internet Community
On the WSIS plenary listserv there has been an ongoing debate between those arguing that only accredited NGO entities should be recognized as the primary actors within civil society at the WSIS and those that contend that individuals must have voice and a vote within our processes. Underlying this is a deeper and increasing tension…