The last night of the National Conference on Media Reform featured a star-studded series of short speeches by: Congressman Ed Markey (D-Mass.) Geena Davis, actress and founder, See Jane Ben Bagdikian, author, The Media Monopoly Ben Hooks, former executive director, NAACP Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Hip-Hop Caucus Deepa Fernandes, WBAI and Radio Rootz Erubiel Valladares Carranza,…
Category: Civil Society
Andrew Puddephatt on media reform from a human rights perspective
This morning I attended a very broad and interesting side-event on “Global Information and Communication Policy” organized by Consumer’s Union. The event featured an international panel of speakers including : Luiz Fernando Marrey Moncau, Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor, Brazil Rosemary Okello-Orlale, African Woman and Child Feature Service, Kenya Bjarne Pedersen, Consumers International Andrew…
NCMR Community Wireless Workshop
This morning I was at a really great panel discussion on “The Growth of Wireless Internet : From Community to Municipal to Corporate,” which featured several leading experts and activists in the field of community wireless: Dharma Dailey, Ethos Group (moderator) Michael Calabrese, New America Foundation Harold Feld, Media Access Project Michael Lewis, Wireless Harlem…
Tim Wu and Matt Stoller on Net Neutrality
The Save the Internet Coalition held a fun panel on the Net Neutrality campaign, including informative and entertaining comments by Tim Wu of Columbia University, Adam Green of, Frannie Welling of Free Press, Matt Stoller of, Scott Goodstein of Catalyst Campaigns and Azlan White, campaign activist. Here’s some quick notes from Tim Wu’s…
Live video from the Natl Conference on Media Reform
For those who aren’t able to be in Memphis for the National Conference on Media Reform, there will be live video of many of the plenary sessions, including keynotes by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Bill Moyers and Sen. Bernie Sands. The organizers of the conference promise that you can also: Listen to downloadable audio of…
Videogames for Good event today, 11AM in Memphis
Just a reminder that Suzanne Seggerman, head of Games for Change, is hodling a session on "Videogames for Good" at the National Conference on Media Reform in Memphis this morning at 11AM. Location is the Memphis Cook Convention Center, Room L-9. Why a session on videogames? Here’s what Suzanne writes: Videogames are increasingly ubiquitous. More…
Darfur, Open Source and 12-sim Monsters — just another crazy day in virtuality
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. It was a crazy flippin’ day in SL to be sure. At 2PM, I beamed into the Infinite Mind sim to catch Mia Farrow, John Heffernan and several other notable personages talking about the deteriorating situation in Darfur. Ms. Farrow spoke passionately about the…
SL Darfur event with Mia Farrow re-scheduled for Jan 9
Bill Lichtenstein of LCM sends me news that the virtual briefing with Mia Farrow on her recent trip to Sudanese refugee camps in Chad has been re-scheduled for January 9 at 2pm EST. The event will take place in the Infinite Mind sim (direct teleport SLURL), as well as stream audio to Camp Darfur and…
World Vision Village comes to SL
Jas sends along some information about a new virtual initiative by the UK charity World Vision: Copper Industries have recently built a village in Second Life for World Vision UK, one of the world's leading development and relief charities. The aim of the village is to show some of the products you can purchase through…
Virtual yaks save real world kids!
I just got a notice from Kathryn Parsons about a cool virtual fundraiser for the UK charity Save the Children called the "Yak Shack." The idea is that they are selling, of all things, virtual yaks for L$ 1,000 each (about 3 bucks) which go toward helping real children living in poverty around the world. …