Earlier this month I went back to my physical therapist Mitchell to see if my PT exercises are making a difference with my knee pain. I’ve been doing PT since late February, which has been helping, I think? Mitchell watched me do my exercises and decided to switch them up because some of them were…
Category: Dancing / Music
Falling is a Part of Learning
On the regular I chat with people who are at the very beginning of their roller skate journey. It’s so sweet seeing how excited they are, so delighted to be wearing their brand new skates. It’s the best feeling ever, to be right at the beginning of a new, exciting hobby. At the same time,…
Fun Time MCing and Dance Skating at Work!
I had a blast on Wednesday leading up a staff open mic at KQED (again). I wanted to create a safe space for folks to share their talents and passions with each other, and I think we achieved that! We had eight performers share their gifts with an enthusiastic crowd of about 40 staff. Seeing…
Just Another Dope Night at Panther Skate (Photo Essay)
I shot a bunch of pics at Panther Skate Plaza on Thursday night to use for a photo essay I’m producing for work. Here’s what I shot. Panther Skate Plaza Photo Essay by Rik at KQED Here’s the pics embiggened with the same captions. You get to see so many fun skate setups at Panther!…
Three jobs least impacted by AI are…
“The jobs least likely to be impacted by AI are dancer, athlete and roofer.” – Ethan Molick, AI Expert See Ethan Molick’s blog www.oneusefulthing.org for more insight into the impact of AI on work, education and life as we know it.
Interviewing Sugar Sullivan and Barbara Billups at Swingin at the Savoy 2024
I had the honor of interviewing lindy hop and tap legends Sugar Sullvan and Barbara Billups at Swingin’ at the Savoy 2024 a couple of weeks ago. Sharing the stage with these two dancers was such a treat. Paulo Sentio was gracious enough to provide these amazing pics from the event.
I’m in a SkateLyfe Video!
Check me out at 3:23! My job here is done.
“Find Your Light”: The Importance of Being Seen
A Friend brought up at Quaker Meeting a few months ago the theater term “find your light.” Kaily Hansen and Ruthie Fierbird define it this way: This means you are in the dark on stage and need to step into the light. The only light that follows an actor is the spotlight. When a spotlight…
“Maybe Somebody Else Needs Me” (quote)
Wise words from Bay Area house dancer Lauren Benjamin about entering dance battles: If I feel the drive to do something, I just do it, before I can talk myself out of it. Maybe it’s not always about me. Maybe somebody else needs me to be there at that time. Lauren Benjamin
2024 Intentions: More Stamina, Skate Travel and Video Essays
I don’t tend to set “resolutions” for the New Year, which feels a bit too confining and unrealistic. Instead I do like to set “intentions” to give me direction and motivation. These are more like things I am very interested in and want to explore, but without set quantitative goals or deadlines. So not “I…