Category: Dancing / Music
Watch the Last Weekly Episode of “SwingNation”!
Believe it or not, Episode #69 is the final show of the season… and the last weekly edition of “SwingNation.” Watch the whole episode to get the skinny on what’s happening to the internet’s only regular talk show on swing dancing. We talk about why we are moving from the weekly format, and what’s the future…
Echoes of Harlem explains what Jazz is (video)
I can't get enough of this lindy hop / vernacular jazz routine by the troupe Echoes of Harlem from Australia. I love all their formations, creative choreography, and phrasing. Rarely do you see a team routine accentuate different instruments with different dancers so well. Damn, Australia! Go on with your bad self. From the…
House Dance Practice Today (video)
Lindy hop is my first love, but I'm enjoying exploring my newest obsession with house dancing. The hard part about lindy hop is that it's really difficult to practice alone. You really need a partner. House dance also is best when done collaboratively with others. It was born in the club, and it's meant to…
Watch Koharu Suguwara Destroy “Rather Be”
Koharu Suguwara came across my feed last week, and I've watched all the videos of her that I can since then. I haven't found much intel, other than she's a Japanese dancer and choreographer who has been featured at the prestigious Urban Dance Camp for the past couple of years. Anyone know anything else about…
If “SwingNation” was an 80s-era Sitcom
Spuds decided to re-envision the show open for "SwingNation" as a 1980's era sitcom, complete with the soft jazzy intro music, freezeframes, slow city establishing shots, and other more. Warning: For those of you of a certain age, this might provoke flashbacks.
Freestyle House Session in Golden Gate Park
Some friends and I have been getting together in Golden Gate Park to work on our house dance technique. "Sessioning," as house dancers call it. We all consider ourselves at various states of newbie-ness. So getting over that hump of practicing regularly can be really intimidating. Yes, you can "session" by yourself in your apartment…
Nikki and Bobby Killing Electro-swing Routine
Speaking of electro-swing: check out this killer electro-swing dance routine by dancers Nikki and Bobby. There's everything I love in there: some house, some solo jazz, some lindy hop, and some popping, perfectly executed. Songs: "Allez Viens" by Bart and Baker and "Mambo Fever" by Lazy Flow
Other Examples of Lindy Hoppers Dancing to Hip-hop / Electronica / Electro-swing
The now viral video from Montreal Swing Riot has gotten a lot of people excited about the potential for combining lindy hop with other street dances and more contemporary music. As a lindy hopper, b-boy and a house dancer, I'm always on the lookout for cool collaborations, competitions and performances that bring these different styles together. Here…
Montreal Swing Riot brings together Lindy Hop and Hip Hop
This video from the 2014 Montreal Swing Riot has been going viral, at nearly 50K views only a day after being published. It shows the invitational battle between some awesome lindy hoppers and a group of street dancers, including b-boys, krumpers, poppers, and lockers. You can see the mutual respect and admiration from all of…