Ah, LXD, you tease. You had me all sucked in with your two excellent opening episodes of Season Three. And then you give me this weak, boring, illogical episode three, "The Forbidden." First off, the dancing. It's Flamenco. Flamenco, for gawd's sake. I mean, I know that flamenco is a bad ass dance, a street…
Category: Dancing / Music
The Sausage Fest Podcast Returns: Where lindy dudes (ahem) let it all hang out
Yehoodi.com is proud(?) to announce the return of Sausage Fest, our naughty-talking gabfest where lindy fellas get to talk about whatever they want. In this episode, we talk with our special "sausagists" Andrew Thigpen, Dave Frutos, and Bobby White! They hold court on whether they would rather have a "bad blues dance" or a "bad…
The LXD Season 3 Opens: Bollywood & Scary Clowns Locking FTW! (video)
As my readers know, I have had strong reservations about the LXD dance web-series for the past couple of seasons. For the most part, it has been bursts of inspired dance sequences nearly ruined by hackneyed plots, bad dialogue, and stilted acting. So I have been somewhat nervously waiting for season three to come out….
Tamar Korn and the Gauchos at Cafe Pascucci (video)
Here's the amazing Tamar Korn singing with the Gauchos band at Cafe Pascucci in SOMA last Saturday. It was a really fun night with folks just packed in who came to hear Gauchos play, as well as a dozen or so lindy hoppers who came to dance. There was a super tiny dance floor…
Tamar Korn with the Gauchos Last Night at Amnesia Bar: Jazz Bliss! (video)
I'm still kvelling from the amazing two sets of music performed last night by the Gauchos jazz band playing with the incomparable jazz singer Tamar Korn at Amnesia Bar in the Mission. The Gauchos always put on an amazing gig, which SF lindy hoppers and jazz heads have known about for awhile. But with…
Mixed-reality Clubbing: the Bootie Mashup Party in San Francisco and Second Life (video)
On Saturday night, my buddy Hamlet and I checked out the Bootie Mashup Party at DNA Lounge in San Francisco, the grand-daddy of all mashup events in the country. This was an especially appropriate night for Hamlet and I to be there since they were simulcasting their party into Second Life, at the hip…
Interview with Remy Kouame, Dancer in “Two Cousins” Music Video & Boogie Woogie World Champ
On episode 135 of the Yehoodi Talk Show, Spuds and I chatted with French lindy hopper Remy Kouame about dancing in the "Two Cousins" music video by the band Slow Club. Find out how Remy went from world champion boogie woogie dancer, to new convert to lindy, to starring role in a music video. …
Lindy Hoppers Flashmob Central Park (video)
Check out this fun video of a bunch of New York lindy hoppers doing a flashmob performance near the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park, NYC last week. I've danced on those tiles around the fountain and know how difficult they are to swing on. Nice work, everyone! And gotta love that song "The Walk"…
Digitizing Performance: Increasing Reach, Decreasing Power
Today at Quaker Meeting I was thinking about how the experience of any kind of performance is affected by the format that is received. A symphony listened to from the lawn in Central Park with thousands of other picnickers has little relationship to the same symphony heard from a video recording uploaded to YouTube. And…
Dancing with My Gigantic Self
Question: So say you had access to a ginormous banner depicting yourself dancing with one of your favorite dance partners. What would you do with it? Answer: put it on the ground on dance on it! As you may recall, Lincoln Center a couple of months ago contacted my friend Nina and I about being…