Today, joins those striking against censorship. Join us in this historic moment: tell Congress to stop this bill now! First Name: Email: Address: ZIP Write Congress Now! Not In The US? Petition The State Department. I am writing to you as a voter in your district. I urge you to oppose the Senate version…
Category: Information Society
Ready Player One: 80s Era Gaming Meets Snow Crash (review)
"Everyone my age remembers where they were and what they were doing when they learned about the contest." — Opening sentence of Ready Player One I finally got around to reading Ready Player One, by Earnest Cline, after friends told me I had to read it. A near future scifi adventure, Ready Player One…
Digitally Disconnected ≠ Discontented?
I have been having a frustrating time getting some kind of communications system working in my otherwise charming new pad in Oakland. In most of the apartment I have zero bars on my cell phone, which is a big bummer. Just as importantly, I have been so far unsuccessful at getting any kind of broadband…
Goodbye, Mr Jobs, and Thanks for All the Inspiring Tech
RIP Steve Jobs. You made cool things that brought delight and joy to my life. Thank you. – Rik Panganiban : Mac Fanboy for Life
Watch Online the Ultimate Lindy Hop Showdown Live this Saturday from NOLA! (video)
The Ultimate Lindy Hop Showdown in New Orleans is one of those epic dance events that I have somehow never managed to attend. Everyone I know who has attended tells me that it hosts the most blazingly awesome lindy hop dancing you will ever see, plus social dancing all over this greatest of jazz cities….
How to Give a Great Presentation, Online or Off : Video and Blog Recap
In case you missed my talk, on August 26, I joined Kivi Leroux Miller, president of the Nonprofit Marketing Guide and Nat Robinson, vice president for business development at SlideRocket, to talk about "Giving Great Presentations." It was a fun online event with lots of great questions from the virtual audience. And now you can watch the…
“Twitter for Good”: a Breezy Primer on the Nonprofit Uses of Twitter [UPDATE e-version FREE Today!]
Twitter for Good by Claire Diaz-Ortiz is a concise primer on how to effectively use the Twitter micro-blogging platform to support your nonprofit or charitable cause. I received a reviewer's copy last week and found it to be a quick and informative read for the nonprofit professional. Subtitled "Change the World One Tweet at a…
This Friday Learn How to Give Great Presentations at NPLive Online Event
This Friday, August 26, starting at 10am PST, I will be speaking at an online interactive event on "Giving Great Presentations," as part of TechSoup's "Nonprofits Live" series. Other speakers are : Kivi Leroux Miller, speaker, writer, and the president of the Nonprofit Marketing Guide Nat Robinson, vice president of SlideRocket, who provides insight into…
Quaker Meeting, Instant Gratification, and the Value of Boredom
Here’s the gist of my message in Quaker Meeting today: I recently read an article on how the state of boredom is no longer a part of our daily experience. We have in our pockets small devices that allow us to entertain, amuse or at least stimulate us whenever we want, whether it is riding…
The Disconnected Life Sucks
I currently have no phone and no car in California. It's like I don't exist as a person. Okay, it isn't quite that bad, but sometimes it feels that way. Through a series of accidents, I find myself both without personal transportation and more importantly without a smart phone. Learning how to navigate myself in…