Frank Originally uploaded by ./Eli Happy birthday to one of my dearest friends and partner at, Frank "Frankyboy" Dellario. He’s an great team leader, devoted friend, awesome machinimator, and uber-geek. Oh and he’s the head of the legendary Machinima crew the Ill Clan. Happiest of Days, Frankyboy!
Category: Uncategorized
Second Life Real Estate people wanted
I have a friend who writes for a New York newspaper looking for people who work in Second Life real estate (ideally in the New York-area) to interview this week for an article. If you are interested and available, contact me at rik Thanks, kids!
Rik O’Matic the Leprechaun?
For some reason, I have been photoshopped by my roommate Swifty into a leprechaun. "Rik O’Matic," I get it. Har-de-har-har.
Chinese gangsters, the LAPD asian gang unit… and my dad
I’m trying to wind-up a call with my father this afternoon during one of our regular chats, when he mentions off-hand, "Oh yeah, the police were at my house at 5:30AM." "Excuse me?" I replied. "They knocked on the door at 5:30AM. And not just one cop. There were a whole bunch of them." "What…
I’m not Jackie Chan: Responding to subtle racism
Coming home from, of all things, breakdance practice, I encountered a subtle form of racism that is fairly common for me. I was coming out of the Atlantic Avenue subway station in Brooklyn when I heard someone yell out "Jackie Chan!" in my direction. I turned to see a group of young black men and…
Flesh Eating Beetles at the Field Museum!
This week, I was fortunate enough to get a guided behind-the-scenes tour of the incredible Field Museum in Chicago, one of the finest natural history museums in the country. The fascinating tour culminated in a visit to the "dermestid beetle room", where fresh carcasses are turned into skeletons. This is done through the very efficient…
Swifty’s 52-self-portraits-for-a-year challenge
My roommate Swifty announced three weeks ago that he’s going to try and do the "52 self portraits in a year" challenge on Flickr. Here are his first three weeks of self-portraits, which are all gems. I hope he can do a full year’s worth. The bathroom one is awesome! Our shower curtain might be…
Scott Pilgrim Graphic Novel Series: Must Read!
My roommate Swifty recently loaned me Volume 1 and 2 of the Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series, thinking I would like it. Man, was he right. Scott Pilgrim, by Bryan Lee O’Malley, tells the story of the title character, a Toronto slacker who’s only ambition it seems is to play bass with his band Sex…
Meeeeerrrrrrrrry Christmas!
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!(And don’t overdo the Pine Sol, kids!)
Hurray for Frankyboy and Adriana!
Congratulations and mazeltov to my dear friends Frankyboy and Adriana for getting hitched yesterday. It was a beautiful setting for a wedding, by the Hudson river with the trees just starting to show their fall colors as a backdrop. I couldn’t be happier for the two of them, and wish them every blessing.