I'm pretty sure I wouldn't make this toy for my kid. But I'm loving how he is rocking that cap and outfit! From a 1941 advertisement for a wooden machine gun kit. [From Modern Mechanix blog, via Boing Boing.]
America’s Best Dance Crew Season 7 Kicks Off: Hawaiian Kiddies, Sexy Canucks, and More Funny Asian Boys
Get More: America's Best Dance Crew (Season 7), Full Episodes I was totally unprepared for Season 7 of "America's Best Dance Crew," which my friend Michelle alerted me to on Facebook. Just finished Episode One, and I'm so far pretty impressed. This first week was the "Britney Spears" challenge, which was kind of a…
Freeplay Dance Crew Performing for Bay Area Dance Week April 29
I'm excited to report that the Freeplay Dance Crew will be performing as part of Bay Area Dance Week on April 29th in Berkeley. This is our first time doing a BADW event, so we are super-psyched to be involved. Specifically, we are dancing as part of "Dance-A-Rama," an afternoon of various dance performances organized…
Cherry Blossoms in Cemetery: Beauty and Transcience
In Japan, cherry blossoms are symbols of the fleeting nature of life, since they bloom so quickly, and are gone just as fast. So it's appropriate to see a cluster of them at the Mountain View cemetery in Oakland, where I run a couple of times a week. Seeing the blossoms in bloom this morning…
Social Media versus Social Dancing: You Can’t Tweet a Tango
During my commute this week, I watched this thought-provoking TED talk by psychologist Sherry Turkle called "Connected, But Alone?". It's worth the few minutes of your time to view, particularly if you are as immersed in social media as I am. Sherry Turkle examines what in her view are the dangers of the online…
Google’s Project Glass and Spiritual Augmented Reality
Today at Quaker Meeting for Worship I gave this message: I've been thinking about this new project that people at Google are working on. It's called "Project Glass." Essentially it's a pair of glasses you wear that present different information on a display in front of your face. They call it "augmented reality." So…
Avengers vs X-Men Dance Battle!
Okay, not very Easter-y, but I love love love this fan art I just discovered: "Avengers vs. X-men" by barrypresh on DeviantART. Someone please make this an animated short! Avengers might win with the power moves, but X-Men got more street cred and style.
JibJab’s “Jump and Jivin” Easter e-Card
Do you wish your traditional Easter greetings were a bit more swingin'? Well JibJab has just the e-card for you! This Easter you can lindy hop (or at least look like you can) with three other friends on a "Jump, Jive and Wail" e-card. As you can see, there is some genuine lindy and…
Colorful Tango for OK Go’s “Skyscrapers” Music Video
Music video for the song "Skyscrapers" by OK Go. Beautiful dancing, simply and elegantly directed. Credits: Director: Trish Sie Producers: Trish Sie & Paula Salhany Cinematography and editing: Paula Salhany 3D DP: Eric Kurland Dancers: Moti Buchboot & Trish Sie
OKCupid, You Just Creeped Me Out
I'm a longtime fan of the online dating site OKCupid, which I think does a lot of things right in terms of user interface, social engineering, and data aggregation. So I recently downloaded their iPhone app just to check it out. The OKCupid iPhone app at first glance seems like basically another way of…