There really isn't anything more to say about this. Thank you,!
FreePlay Dance Crew Photo Shoot in December
In December, my dance crew FreePlay did a quick photo shoot after practice at the Embarcadero YMCA. Not quite studio quality, but some of them are really cute! Most of the pics were taken by Josh, our team leader.
Ballroom and Gays Go Together Like Glitter and Sequins (video)
These ladies are just rocking the Jive! And you can see them samba-ing their heart out here. At the fabulous Dancing in the River City same sex ballroom competition in Sacramento last weekend.
Marie and Anders Lindy to Electronica for Jeans Ad
Check out my buddy Marie N'diaye and her partner Anders dancing lindy hop to electronic music for this ad for Tiger of Sweden Jeans. They are killin it, even if the song is kind of weird to swing to. (And I'll forgive the skinny jeans, but just this one time.) You can see some other…
Create an Infographic-y Online Work Resume on
In the digital age, creating a static, paper resume is as quaint as sending a telegraph. If your work is dynamic, visual, and ever-changing, a printed black-and-white summary of your professional qualifications won't really capture that. is a new web service that allows anyone to create a beautiful, visually-rich, online resume of your…
FreePlay Dance Crew Perform at Dancing in the River City (video)
Last Sunday, the FreePlay Dance Crew got to show their stuff at the "Dancing in the River City" same-sex ballroom event in Sacramento. I honestly didn't know what to expect from performing hip-hop at a ballroom event. I pictured a polite but slightly puzzled audience of ballroom fans and dancers. "Thanks (yawn), next!" I should have…
Manu and his son playing “DJ Hero 2”
Here's my buddy Manu and his son Micah playing "DJ Hero 2" for the X-Box. Okay, well Micah thinks he's playing. Go DJ Micah on the ones and twoes! is dark to protest web censorship
Today, joins those striking against censorship. Join us in this historic moment: tell Congress to stop this bill now! First Name: Email: Address: ZIP Write Congress Now! Not In The US? Petition The State Department. I am writing to you as a voter in your district. I urge you to oppose the Senate version…
On January 18 is going dark to Fight Web Censorship!
I couldn't be more proud of my website I help administer than I am today. Our team has taken the decision to join hundreds of other websites around the world — including Wikipedia , BoingBoing and Reddit — in shutting down our site on January 18 in protest of the PIPA / SOPA bills…
Ready Player One: 80s Era Gaming Meets Snow Crash (review)
"Everyone my age remembers where they were and what they were doing when they learned about the contest." — Opening sentence of Ready Player One I finally got around to reading Ready Player One, by Earnest Cline, after friends told me I had to read it. A near future scifi adventure, Ready Player One…