I'm loving being in Holland, and in general have a fondness for Dutch people and their culture. That said, their language just still sounds so weird to me. And double-plus weird coming out of Disney characters. Enjoy. I just wish this video had a bit more Donald Duck in it. Maybe he's been speaking Dutch…
Living the Quaker Values: Worship
The Quaker form of worship is one of the most unique aspects of the Religious Society of Friends. Our practice is so simple as to barely qualify as a religious service at all. A Quaker worship service ("Meeting for Worship") is composed of two of more Friends sitting together in silence for typically an hour. …
Living the Quaker Values: Silence
I'm spending a few days in Amsterdam on holiday, with no particular itinerary. So I think I'm going to treat it like a mini-retreat and do some reflective work I've been meaning to do for awhile. I recently read Robert Lawrence Smith's sweet little book A Quaker Book of Wisdom. The book reminded me of…
Balboa Demo by Laura Keat and Jeremy Otth at Frim Fram last night (video)
Here's a sweet little balboa demonstration by LA-based Laura Keat and Jeremy Otth at the Yehoodi Frim Fram Jam dance last night. I'm not much of a balboa guy, but even I have to admit this is pretty tight. [Link to original video.]
Every Morning in the Rik Household (pic)
ME: I have a long email I need to get out the door in the next two minutes! CAT: I'm falling asleep in your arms. ME: Sigh.
Off to Amsterdam Tomorrow!
I will be in the land of tulips and windmills starting on Saturday for a little vacation, crashing at a friend's place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. No real plans other than relaxing, biking around, connecting with some local folks, and eating a lot of belgian fries with war sauce. Oh and apple tart. And Indonesian…
Global Kids Challenges NYC Teens to “Level Up” their Serious Gaming Skills this Summer
This July, Global Kids is holding our first serious gaming camp that we are calling "Level Up"! Designed for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors, this week-long summer intensive will train you in basic game design, global literacy, and how to combine the two into a serious game design addressing a critical social issue. It…
USIP Conference on Media & Peacebuilding on May 12: Watch the Webcast (updated)
The nice folks at the US Institute of Peace send out the news that they are holding an all-day conference on "Seizing the Moment: Media & Peacebuilding" this Wednesday, May 12, at the Newseum in Washington DC. It looks like a fantastic event, which will consider "specific recommendations on ways to harness the power of media for…
Headed to Herrang Swing Dance Camp in Sweden this Summer!
Tonight I finalized my plans to go to the Herrang International Swing Dance Camp that takes place every year in Herrang, Sweden. Every summer, hundreds of lindy hop enthusiasts from around the world converge on the remote, tiny town of Herrang for five weeks of workshops, performances, social dancing and hanging out with their peers. …
More Ridiculous Harlem Hotshots Footage (video)
In my zeal to post about the awesome hip-hop / lindy hop battle that took place last month in Sweden, I forgot to mention the other badass video clip I found on Jerry Almonte's blog: the Harlem Hotshots performing before tens of thousands of people in Stockholm! According to Jerry this was for the show…