And you thought Second Life could not get any cooler? In Kenzo TPed me over to an incredible, enormous virtual reality simulator on Commonwealth Island built by Stephane Zugzwang. You stand on a small suspended, semi-opaque platform high above a mountain range. As you click on a large sampling of images on a floating screen,…
Pics and transcript from talk on SL political organizing
Tonight In Kenzo and I gave a little talk on the subject of Second Life political organizing and awareness raising. We had a small but very engaged group of a dozen or so progressive activists participating in "RootsCamp," a weeklong series of discussions on the fallout from the recent US elections. What follows is a…
Off to lefty camp with In Kenzo: today at 3pm PST!
Just a quick reminder that the lovely and talented In Kenzo and I will be presenting on the subject of Second Life political organizing and awareness raising campaigns at 3PM SLT / 6PM EST on Better World Island (direct SLURL). Part of a weeklong series of in-world meetings of progressive activists called "RootsCamp," I’m excited…
Mole is not-so-in-love with bathtime
My usually quite obedient and unflappable cat Mole was not so happy with his bath this evening. I have the scars on my back to prove it. We unfortunately have to give him a couple more baths over the next two weeks to knock out the ringworm that he’s picked up. Mole really looks like…
RootCamps in SL line-up for the coming week
The Second Life version of RootsCamp has quickly taken shape in the past day or so, with several exciting sessions coming together. RootsCamps are informal real world gatherings for progressive (mostly) American activists and organizers to discuss the results of the recent elections and start planning for the 2008 Presidential election. From what was only…
NetRoots: progressive avatars plot regime change
For folks on the lefty-side of the political spectrum, there’s a virtual space for gathering with other organizers and activists in Second Life at RootsCamp on Better World Island. Here’s how they describe it: RootsCamps are 2006 post-election debriefs. Progressives — everyone from the "netroots" to precinct captains to field organizers to national message consultants…
Reunited: Cindy’s and my first SL date
Hurray! I finally got Cindy to come into SL for a lil virtual date with me tonight. I enticed her with the promise of shopping. Sexist, but true.
My Mission: Arming Ewoks with light sabers
Sitting in an ouzo bar late at night in Athens last Friday, I got asked by a colleague out-of-the-blue what my "vision" was. Never an easy question to answer whether enebriated or not (I wasn’t.) I think I replied something along the lines of, "Hey, how about that Acropolis!" Sitting on the subway this morning,…
Video of virtual showing of Machinima Fest, uh, videos
Here’s some recursive fun for you: I was sent a link to a video of a bunch of Second Life avatars watching the live video feed from the Machinima Festival last weekend where various Machinima videos were shown. Whew! I wish more of the side-chat was shown in the video, which was often quite funny….
7,679 Online Now” / “Grid Closed for Maintenance”?
Hmmm, odd log-in screen this morning on Second Life. Either Linden Labs have hired a boatload of new employees (perhaps they really are "outsourcing the metaverse") or their online counter is stuck. Someone go kick the server over there in San Francisco.