I love this 50 minute compilation / remix of 80s commercials and television shows, which among many other treasures has some wonderful classic hip-hop and b-boying. Fast forward to the 1:37 mark where the dancing starts. Also included: "endless beach parties, Saturday morning cartoons, claymation everything, sleek cars, sexy babes, toys you forgot existed, station…
Ice Cream Sandwich Inspired by Italian Architect Renzo Piano
I just discovered at my local market an artisinal, architecturally-inspired ice cream sandwich line called… wait for it… Coolhaus. The name "Coolhaus" is, according to their website, a triple-entendre: Bauhaus, an influential modernist design movement of the 1920′s and 30′s. Rem Koolhaas, the famous Dutch Architect and Theorist who challenged the mantra "Form follows function" "Cool…
HowAboutWe Dating Site Ranks Cal Academy as #2 Date Spot in SF
First dates are tough. You have to try and guess what the other person wants to do, you want to show some creativity in your choice of spot or activity, but you don't want to overshoot in case the date goes sour fast. (HINT: 4 hour hot air balloon ride is a bad idea.) So…
Photos and Video of Jack and Jill Competition at Santa Swing
The organizers of the Santa Swing weekend have put up a bunch of swell pics and videos from the event. It's always great when an event has trained photographers and videographers on site, so I don't have to stress about documenting the thing. My friends Katie and Jim were on hand for photo and video…
Land’s End : A Breathtaking City Hike
I live here now. Holy cats. Land's End is a 25 minute bike ride from my apartment. I may have to go here every weekend. Incredible views around every corner, lush California vegetation and trees, the Legion of Honor at one end, the Sutro Baths at the other. Un-be-lievable. Of all the cool stuff my…
Gangnam Swing at Lindy Focus (video)
It was bound to happen. The most viral video ever in the history of viral videos gets the lindy hop treatment. Filmed at the finale of the New Year's Eve show at Lindy Focus, in Ashville, NC, December 31, 2012. Choreography by Bobby Bonsey, Dax Hock, Sarah Breck, and Evite Arce. Enjoy!
Biking to the Cal Academy, the World’s Greenest Museum
Yesterday, I finally got assigned a much-coveted bike locker from the office lottery here at the California Academy of Sciences. The fact that we have so much demand for these bike lockers, even with ample standard bike parking, shows our staff's commitment to green transportation. Reportedly, about 75% of the Academy's roughly 500 staff people…
Thanks, Santa Swing for an Awesome New Year’s Dance Weekend!
I had a fantastic time at the Santa Swing swing dance weekend with my friends old and new in beautiful Santa Barbara, California. So many great dances, kick ass live music, yummy meals, and silliness. Can't think of a better way to ring in the new year. I really enjoyed all three bands that performed at Santa…
The B-Boy Shim Sham: A Fusion of Lindy Hop and Hip Hop (video)
A couple of months ago, I had this crazy idea to adapt the “Shim Sham Shimmy” line dance into a b-boy / breaking routine. As one of the few b-boy / lindy hoppers in the world, I figured this might be an interesting way of connecting these two awesome dance forms for others to see….
“TheBlu” Virtual Ocean: Beautiful, Mesmerizing, But Is It Educational?
For awhile now I have been toying around with "TheBlu," a virtual ocean environment. The creators describe "TheBlu" as "the world's first social digital ocean you can download, explore and share." Essentially it's an interactive screensaver composed of different ocean environments that is populated by marine life created by digital artists from around the…