I'm currently in Long Beach, California for the MacArthur Foundation-sponsored Digital Media and Learning Conference. The DML is a three day gathering of about 500 academics, educators, nonprofits, techies, and funders focused on "fostering interdisciplinary and participatory dialog and linking theory, empirical study, policy, and practice." I.e. the event is intended to get folks who…
Tag: digital media and learning
Field Museum of Chicago is Hiring a Digital Learning Specialist
I got word from my friends at the fantastic Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago that they are looking for a "Digital Learning Specialist" to work in the education department. According to the job description, the Digital Media Learning Specialist will "develop digital learning projects and help manage the infusion of digital media into…
Machinima tour of MacArthur Island led by Mac President Fanton! (video)
For those of you not in Second Life, here is a lovely video tour of the new MacArthur Island sim led by the avatar of MacArthur Foundation president Jonathan Fanton. I love the production values of this machinima, and how it encapsulates in seven minutes the broad range of projects being supported by the MacArthur…
Video archive of Cory Ondrejka & Jonathan Fanton discussion now online
For those that were not able to catch the virtual conversation with Second Life co-founder Cory Ondrejka and MacArthur President Jonathan Fanton yesterday, the video archive is now up. Our friends at Treet.tv (formerly known as SLCN.tv) have released in record time the machinima video of the launch of MacArthur Island that happened yesterday in…
MacArthur Island launch a success!
Today was a good day. I was the event producer for the successful public launch of MacArthur Island in Second Life, featuring a conversation between the avatars of Jonathan Fanton, President of the MacArthur Foundation, and Cory Ondrejka, co-founder of Second Life now at EMI. Over 150 avatars, plus another 20-some viewers of the live…
HASTAC Digital Media & Learning Showcase: a laptop orchestra, OLPCs in Chiapas, vloggers in Mumbai, and more…
Here's a neat little clip of Connie Yowell of the MacArthur Foundation welcoming the 2008 and 2009 winners of the HASTAC Digital Media and Learning competition, including myself and Amira from Global Kids. Connie always does such a great job synthesizing the broader historic trends, the cumulative impact of the various digital learning projects supported…
Talking about Digital Learning at UC Irvine
To the right is a picture from the John Wayne International Airport in Santa Ana, California, where I flew in this afternoon. I'm at UC Irvine with Rafi for a MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning grantees meeting. We're joining a bunch of super smart people who are conducting a wide range of research, field…