I feeling only a little guilty sharing this video of five-year-old Logan, the son of my friend Blake, comparing his friend's Woody and his own. Be proud of your little Woody, Logan!
Tag: funny
Mickey Mouse… in Dutch (video)
I'm loving being in Holland, and in general have a fondness for Dutch people and their culture. That said, their language just still sounds so weird to me. And double-plus weird coming out of Disney characters. Enjoy. I just wish this video had a bit more Donald Duck in it. Maybe he's been speaking Dutch…
Broccoli : You Save $0.00 (pic)
Well at least they are honest. Taken at Met Foods, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.
Google Shows Me How to Bike from My House to My Mom’s (Brooklyn to San Francisco)
I decided to check out how extensive is the new "bicycle directions" tool on Google Maps by putting in my address in Brooklyn and having it plot a bike route from there to my mom's house in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here's what Google suggested. I find it super useful to know that if…
Global Kids animated pitch for Social Media Portfolio project (video)
Barry Joseph of Global Kids created this very cute animated pitch for a "Social Media Portfolio" project, submitted to the "New Youth City" initiative. (Read the full pitch here.) I love how Barry combines humor and detailed information about the actual proposal ("Woo hoo! Books!"). And despite the "reveal" at the end of the video,…
“ManuandRik.com”? Why not “RikandManu.com”?
Someone thinks they are very, very funny. That's what we get for mentioning a fake URL on the Yehoodi Talk Show. Well played, sir. Well played.
T-shirt on the art of floorcraft
Jerry on Floorcrafting by ichooseblues Create Custom Tee Shirts with zazzle Only a social dancer will find this funny.