Returning from vacation, I was very happy to see the news that my organization Global Kids got a nice write-up in the New York Region section of the New York Times a couple of days ago. Entitled "Learning in Summer, Gladly," Clyde Habermas writes about how Global Kids as a nonprofit works with New York…
Tag: new york times
NY Times on Vince Giordano’s Big Band
The New York Times has a swell tribute to Vince Giordano and his 1920s era jazz big band the Night Hawks in their NY Region section. I must admit that I've been hearing about the Night Hawks for awhile, but have not seen their regular Monday gig at the Hotel Edison. That needs to change…
Picture of me twittering in the NY Times Sunday Styles Section today!
Check out Bill Cunningham’s lovely photo essay about the Easter Parade on the NY Times website. I come into view at about the 0.44 second mark! I like how Bill captured Boosh and I checking our phones. I’m actually twittering at that exact moment something along the lines of “Looking pimp in the Easter Parade!…