So over the past week, I've re-examined some of the core values of Quakerism, trying to be honest about my own feelings and experiences with each of them. I think I've a long way to go in fully integrating silence, worship, truth, simplicity, service and nonviolence into my daily life. At best I have flashes…
Tag: quakerism
Living the Quaker Values: Nonviolence
One of the most emblematic and powerful values of the Quaker faith is nonviolence. From our earliest days in England, Quakers stance against physical violence as a means of solving disputes has put us in jeopardy and difficulties both with the local government and others in the community. Quakers have at great personal inconvenience and…
Living the Quaker Values: Simplicity
The Quaker value of Simplicity is probably the one that I struggle with the most. Traditionally, Quakers have sought to live simple lives of devotion to God in everything that they do. This manifests in a number of outward forms, from Quakers former distrust of the arts for "exciting the senses" to the "Plain Dress"…
Living the Quaker Values: Truth
Today I am considering the all-important Quaker value of Truth. Speaking Truth is one of the bedrock principles of Quakerism that undergirds much of our actions in the world. Quakers have traditionally refused to take oaths, even when required by law, because we believe that swearing upon a Bible pre-supposes two different standards for telling…