Here's a news story on Iceland television about the Arctic Lindy Exchange, a week-long dance event in Reykjavik which just finished. I love the extended dance footage, but I wonder why it goes on for so long? Anyone who speaks Icelandic want to translate for me?
Tag: television
Reelz Channel profiles Frankie Manning
ReelzChannel Movie News | Movie Trailers Here's a sweet video news story by Reelz Channel about Frankie Manning's life and legacy, emphasizing his film career, as well as his impact on a new generation of dancers.
The fine art of online multi-slacking
Back in the day when I used to have cable TV, I would end every work day with some zone-out time channel surfing for an hour of two before bed. I would steer toward the crime procedurals, 80s action movies, billiards tournaments — anything that involved no intellectual thought whatsoever. I would often regret it…