Like other Mac fanboys, I am pretty impressed by what Apple has come out with: the iPad. It's got all the sleekness and interface-y goodness that Apple is so bloody amazing at. That said, under the shiny hood, the iPad can't hold a candle to my hackintoshed Dell Mini 10v. Here's why:
- An integrated camera: good for Skype video, gchat, Photobooth silliness, etc.
- Multi-tasking: I got dashboard, Twitter, Firefox, and iTunes playing, baby!
- Flash: Seriously who surfs the web without Flash? No YouTube?
- A full keyboard: no extra peripheral needed!
- 3 USB ports: how do you come out with a device that has no standard ports?
- An Open App System: I can download and install any apps I want from anywhere, not just from the iTunes App Store
- Oh and it all cost around 300 bucks and change!
I'm always impressed with Apple pushing the envelope of the consumer electronics industry. And there's definitely a growth market in some kind of e-reader / tablet / netbook device. So they are smart to try and get in now.
That said, this Mac-head is definitely going to wait for iPad version two.