Gotta love this new video from the folks. It clearly and cogently describes the issue and what you can do to defend freedom of expression on the internet. Awesome stuff.
Musings on Dance, Food, Geek Stuff
Gotta love this new video from the folks. It clearly and cogently describes the issue and what you can do to defend freedom of expression on the internet. Awesome stuff.
Slick video. The issue is much more complex than is laid out by interests for and against what is termed ‘Net Neutrality.’ The ‘pipe controllers’ would say large content providers (or social networking sites) are getting a free ride on their infrastructure, yet not properly compensating for a ride that nets them millions in profits. The issue as laid out in the video is the masses need a cost effective, fast, leading edge network, that maintains privacy, and allows freedom of expression. The future solution may be many more broadband delivery options less able to be controlled by a small handful of companies. But until such time, the issue of who controls the pipes and what they do with them is paramount.