The US Holocaust Museum has teamed up with Google Earth to offer a startling and powerful overlay of the region of Darfur onto Google’s interactive earth map. You can see where all the of the refugee camps are, which villages have been destroyed, view photos, and read testimony from people in the region.
I have been incredibly impressed with how much the US Holocaust Museum has taken their "Never Again" stance to heart and stood up for victims of this horrible genocide in Africa. They make the explicit connection between the Shoah (Holocaust) and Darfur, which is brave and far-sighted. Earlier this year they sponsored a moving Second Life briefing with Mia Farrow talking about the worsening conditions at the camps.
But the Museum is interested in far more than just documenting genocides as they occur. They want to prevent them:
Crisis in Darfur is the first project of the Museum’s Genocide
Prevention Mapping Initiative that will over time include information
on potential genocides allowing citizens, governments, and institutions
to access information on atrocities in their nascent stages and respond.
The Holocaust Museum also provides a historic map of where the concentration camps were in Europe and a guide to the Shoah. (Both require that you have already downloaded the Google Earth application.) It’s great seeing this use of 3D mapping technologies to serve a worthwhile cause. I can’t get enough of this.
Best map viewer.