It looks during the month of June we will see at least two different sets of organizers putting together in-world gay pride events. Satchmo Prototype announces that "The L Word" community is organizing a series of pride events in June on their sim, featuring both in-world parades and broadcasts of real world parades in LA and New York. Meanwhile the more home-grown "Second Pride" group is organizing a festival from June 24-30, including the creation of a giant AIDS Quilt.
It’s great to see Second Life growing to the degree that we can support different groups of folks working on similar issues. One might ask why the whole thing couldn’t be merged into one big festival. But as the virtual world grows, so do different communities with diverse interests and orientations. Perhaps next year we’ll see a whole series of Gay Pride events organized by groups from around the world, some more political, others more festive, some more "mature," others designed for teens.
It’s a big grid, girlfriend. There’s no reason we all can’t play on it.