Just a reminder that the National MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Society
is partnering with Scion and MovieTickets.com on a cool-sounding
fundraiser to support the millions who suffer from the debilitating
disease of MS. Scheduled from June 10-17, the "MS FLY" is the virtual
equivalent of the annual "MS WALK"
that takes place all around the United States. More than just a
"fly-a-thon" though, the fundraiser is designed as an interactive
Participate in this exciting and cause-worthy event on a week-long
scavenger hunt as you journey through the virtual world of Second Life
with your avatar and MS Cape. Scour islands for digital tokens that
grant you completion of one phase of the hunt. With each new digital
token acquired comes a new incentive for the participant and more money
to help end MS.
Virtual Walk-a-thons
are fun, but I love the idea of really using the powerful and evocative
capabilities of virtual worlds to re-think the traditional fundraiser
event. This seems like a step (sorry) in the right direction.
Head to Illusion Factory (Teleport SLURL) to register in-world or www.themsfly.org on the interweb.
We are attempting to spread the word about an MS Georgia Chapter online event and hope you’ll post. For a $15 tax-deductible donation you can support MS research and potentially win up to $5,000 in prizes.
MS receives 90 cents back on the dollar from every donation, most charitable events only return 30-50 cents of every dollar raised back to the charity.
We have a goal to raise $50,000 by December 28, 2007 for MS.
To donate and Play for a Cure click on the following link – http://www.GameforCharity.com/MS
The model is easy: donate, play a five-minute puzzle game, and win prizes. Hope you enjoy and thank you!