Some crazy outfit called Gonzo Labs is challenging PhD candidates around the country to post dance videos of themselves demonstrating what their thesis is about. I don’t even understand most of what these theses are about. But I love that some folks are doing bad ass lindy hop to demonstrate the principles these science doctoral students are studying.
Here’s Rachelle at Yale lindy hopping to the topic of "Structural analysis of phosducin and its phosphorylation-regulated interaction with transducin beta-gamma."
Now check out champion lindy hopper and MIT student Sommer Gentry, demoing her thesis on haptic communication.
Wonderful, super-nerdy stuff.
This is SO FAB. Thanks for posting this, encouragement to PhDs everywhere!
Sometimes you just gotta bust loose!
Seriously, dancing frees up all sorts of creative and positive juices that nothing else compares to.
Blogs are good for every one where we get lots of information for any topics nice job keep it up !!!
I see your video of swing dance and I realy like it and In you good artitude of dancing . So keep it up,,,,,,,