I am just shocked to learn that registration on the Second Life Teen Grid for teens outside of the US and Canada has not been working for more than a year, according to renowned teen Second Life developer Katherine Berry. Katherine you might recall is the creator of the SL-to-web tool Ajaxlife and vocal gadfly about the multifarious problems in the Teen Grid. Here's her bug report:
(mandatory outside the US and Canada – despite offering the choice for
no real reason), the account cannot be created. This has been
reproduced on several occasions by multiple people. The creation will appear to be successful most of the way through, until you reach the stage at which you are redirected to https://join.secondlife.com:40443/cap/

If you are in Second Life, head to the JIRA bug reporting system and log your support for fixing this "show-stopper" bug. It's incredulous to me that the Teen Grid of Second Life has been effectively closed to international registrations since the Main Grid has experienced such explosive growth from around the world.
UPDATE 1/23/09: Apparently this has been fixed!
HI Rick its borked for Second Life also, Im in Australia and I can’t use Paypal to pay for second life at all, it tells me you can’t if your outside the U.S. I can use a credit card which I do but not Paypal which of course I use for every other internet transaction, not sure why, I guess the Lindens just haven’t got around to it, or don’t trust it? Paisley
Ugh, seriously?
Seriously, Linden Lab, I’m looking at YOU!