After a couple months of development, we are excited to announce the new full-page calendar on Yehoodi
3.0! As the world's premiere swing dance community site, we know that a primary reason that people come to Yehoodi is to look for events they can dance at, both near them and for traveling purposes. I think we've made it a lot easier to find, save, comment and submit dance events with this iteration of our calendar.
This first version of an event calendar has lots of sweet features to play with:
- A monthly and a weekly view of the calendar
- Filter by events everywhere or in your location
- Roll your mouse over each event to get more details
- Change your location on the fly
Filter down to the kind of event you are interested in (local swing
dance, workshop, exchange, etc.) -
Wherever you see this icon
click it, and you will get to the calendar view of that event
Check it out at .
Thanks to my fantastic web development team of Spuds and Poke Alex for getting this code pushed. Creating a custom calendar tool is more complicated than you can imagine, particularly one with as many different fields, filters, and interactive elements as ours. We are far from done with this, but it's already a very finished looking product that I hope will be useful for the thousands of lindy hoppers from around the world that visit our site.
Next big hurdle: recurring events. Yikes!