In retrospect, I should have taken my digital SLR for my first tript to Bali. Doh. But overall I'm pretty happy with how my pictures came out taken just with my iPhone4.
Of course, it's a gorgeous tropical island, so it's easy to take a good shot. Just shoot a lot and edit later. But most of these were on the fly and posted unedited, some from moving vehicles or other less than ideal circumstances.
Sorry about all the food pics. I know, I have a problem.
To the right is my favorite picture, taken on one of my first days in Bali, on my way to go jogging on the beach in Seminyak. It was early in the morning and I was having a lot of trouble figuring out by myself how to get to the beach from our villa. I was itching to run after a long flight and difficult first day in Bali. But I had to stop and capture this perfect image of a boy sitting by this gate facing the water.
[Link: Flickr photo set "Bali 2011"]