It's been almost 10 months that I've been back in California, making a somewhat illogical move away from a city that I love, many dear friends, and a fulfilling and steady paying job. I moved here with no promise that I would find another position in my field, during a terrible recession when employment is way down.
When I relocated to the Bay, I was full of confidence that with all of the professional and personal connections, my unique history of work and accomplishments, and a supportive family nearby, that I wouldn't have to look long for a position that I enjoyed and paid decently.
Ten months later, I'm starting to feel that confidence slipping.
It's not that I'm not working. I'm doing good work, with good people for organizations that I respect. But it's part-time and piece-meal, without benefits or security. And it's just barely tiding me over, not moving me toward something new.
And I know I should be grateful, since so many people have so much harder situations. Chronic unemployment lasting for years, with families to care for. People stuck in dead-end jobs because they have no other prospects. Folks in grinding poverty where housing, health and food are insecure. I am so thankful that I get to live as well as I do, in a beautiful place, where I can worship, dance, and spend time with wonderful people.
And I am still confident that I have a lot to offer a nonprofit, learning institution or company out there. I can design and run digital media education programs, produce engaging in-person and virtual events, evangelize new tech tools, and manage diverse communities of people. And I can lead others to do the same.
I still believe my best work is ahead of me, not behind.
But the path forward is not so clear today.