America's Best Dance Crew Season 7 Episode 2 was in all respects an improvement over episode 1: better music (Flo Rida), better dancing, and actual drama with one crew going home. Here's my take on the five crews (really six) this week.
Electrolytes: Crew from the sticks in Arizona. Great energy, very dynamic movement, overall solid.
- Rated Next Generation: Another teen crew. I liked their swag and their choreo was very "mature" and well executed. I hate their name. I wonder how a battle between them and 8 Flavahs would go?
- Collizion Crew: They represent the Dirty South aesthetic well, plus they have great tricks, humor, and dynamic movement. Of the nine crews, they right now are my favorite.
- Funkdation: Big ups to these Mexicano dancers for repping the old skool, but they just aren't as clean as the other crews. Their choreo was clever and they added some fun latin flavor. But I'm not a fan.
- Mos Wanted Crew: Overall most interesting and complicated choreography of any crew, flawlessly delivered. Not a lot of flash, which was interesting. Squeaky clean and professional. Not surprising since all of them are hip-hop instructors.
I thought the battle between Mixed Elements and Funkdation was pretty one-sided. Mixed Elements had unmatched tricks and well synched choreo. Funkdation had style and flavor, but weren't that much in sync, and didn't have much dynamics or tricks. My guess is that the judges decided to keep Funkdation because they make a better crew in the mix, compared to Mixed Elements were are somewhat forgettable, despite their strong dancing.
That said, I enjoyed every single one of these routines and look forward to seeing next week!