Today at Quaker Meeting for Worship I gave this message:
I've been thinking about this new project that people at Google are working on. It's called "Project Glass." Essentially it's a pair of glasses you wear that present different information on a display in front of your face. They call it "augmented reality." So if you were walking down the street, you might get information about the store you are coming up to, or read your text messages, or see if your friend is nearby.
I am not really sure how to feel about this. I am both frightened and attracted to the idea of augmented reality.
This morning, sitting here, I have been thinking about how my becoming a Quaker has been augmenting my reality. As I continue down this path, I am learning to see reality around me in new ways. So when I walk down the street, I am learning to see in every person I pass, in every living thing around me, that of God within them.
["inner light, sunset" by rachel, cc-licensed from Flickr.]