One of the great things about dancing with Freeplay Dance Crew is that we get to perform for lots of awesome and worthwhile causes. One that's we've supported for awhile is the YMCA Youth Chance High School, a non-traditional school that helps teens who haven't succeeded in a standard educational environment get support so they can graduate and reach their own goals.
Next Friday, November 9, Freeplay will be doing a fundraiser at Vertigo Bar in downtown San Francisco. We'll be there from 9-11pm, performing a couple of times that night, go-go dancing in between, and welcoming special guests along the way. It's always a super fun party! You can support by coming that night and tossing some money into the pot and buying a drink or two from the bar (the charity gets a percentage of all drink sales).
Vertigo is at 1160 Polk St. (between Hemlock & Sutter). Join the Facebook event for updated info on this event. And if you can't make the event but would like to support the cause, we can take online donations on my PayPal page.
Another cause near and dear to my heart is diabetes, which several people in my family suffer from. On Saturday November 10, Freeplay is participating in the "Dance Out Diabetes" danceathon and fundraiser in San Francisco. We'll be performing and teaching a fun dance that anyone can participate in, young or old. Should be a lot of fun!