After the bacchanal of my 50th birthday celebrations, I decided to go off my low-carb, no-sugar diet for a month to see what would happen. I’ve been operating under the theory that my food choices have been keeping me slim and healthy, but haven’t really tested it for awhile.
So — for science — I’ve re-introduced carbs into my diet for the past four weeks. Every day, I eat one meal that includes some form of carb — rice, bread, noodles, etc. The other meals I continue to abstain from carbs. And I eat almost no sugar.
Here’s one of my splurgiest meals : the amazing fried chicken sandwich from Brown Sugar Kitchen!

It’s been nice being able to eat a sandwich or have a poki bowl with rice every day. It’s greatly enlarged my lunch choices, for sure.
On the plus side, I haven’t gain significant weight since I changed my diet. But I also haven’t lost any of the weight gain from the celebrations at the beginning of July, which is kind of annoying.
So I think the theory that abstaining from carbs for several days in a row is what causes the burning of fat — the ketogenic effect — is being supported by my experience.
Starting next week, we’ll go back on the low-carb diet and see if we get different results.