I wrote this for a new course I’m designing. I kind of want to shoot this for real now.
Rising Stars
SCENE 1: Evening, interior, a casual cafe
Two middle aged women are sharing a meal together.
KATY: It’s so good to see you, Jo, it’s been too long!
JO: I know, I’m sorry. We’ve been so busy with the kitchen remodel and the new baby coming.
KATY: Of course, of course. I haven’t been easy to nail down either. I swear I spend more time in hotels than at home. I don’t know why the wife puts up with me.
JO: Can you imagine us? What would our 22-year old selves say about us?
KATY: Whatever! We were so dumb and crazy then.
JO: Speaking of… I notice you’re actually wearing heels. So I guess you’re over that horrible day?
SCENE 2: Interior, fancy ballroom
Younger versions of Katy and Jo are standing together on the sidelines, nervously holding hands, as other couples warm up on the dance floor. Energetic salsa music plays
YOUNGER JO: You good?
YOUNGER KATY: As good as I’ll ever be. Let’s do the thing.
Jo and Katy share tense looks at each other.
ANNOUNCER: Coming up next in the “Rising Stars” newcomers division, Jo and Katy!
Another salsa song starts. Light applause is heard.
Jo and Katy walk out, arm in arm. Just as they enter the spotlight, one of Katy’s heels breaks…