I have a hate/love relationship with running.
For the most part, I hate it. I have terrible lungs, so I feel like I’m fighting for breath for a lot of my run.
But running has undeniable benefits. It’s one of the easiest and fastest ways to get into your target heart rate and put in some solid cardio. It’s lovely to get outdoors and experience nature, powered by just your own body.
Plus, it’s an essential human ability that it’s good to be able to do, if you need to. Running for long distances is one of the key abilities that set us apart from other species, along with higher brain functions and the use of tools.
I’m happy that over the past month, I’ve gotten my body back into shape to be able to run 5 miles at under 10 minutes a mile.

My next goal is to run a 10K this weekend through Golden Gate Park. That’s basically to Ocean Beach and back.