rik panganiban
june 1997
Strangers insist on telling me horror stories
about broken arms, fractured skulls,
knees that never healed right
when they see me on my rollerblades.
“There’s this one fella got dragged
fifty feet under a truck, skating
too close to traffic. Had two kids.”
This is not welcome information.
“You’ll never catch me dead
On those silly things.
Life is hazardous enough
Without trying to get hurt.”
Let he that would save his life….
“I hope you have health insurance.”
“Get some knee pads.”
“Wear a helmet.”
“Put on an air bag.”
Security is something invented
Somewhere between the Reformation and Westfalia
A mythic beast always just beyond
Reach, just beyond your checking balance.
“What if a car door opens?”
“What if a dog chases you?”
“What if a stiff wind knocks you down?”
“What if the earth opens up and devours you?”
I slalom around these warning signs
Speed past prudence and horse sense
Until all I can hear
is the smooth voice of the wheels
talking to the pavement
saying yesssss yessss yesssss.