I don’t tend to set “resolutions” for the New Year, which feels a bit too confining and unrealistic. Instead I do like to set “intentions” to give me direction and motivation. These are more like things I am very interested in and want to explore, but without set quantitative goals or deadlines.
So not “I will lose 25 pounds by May” but “I will re-integrate intermittent fasting into my diet and monitor the results.“
Last year for example I was interested in doing more street skating, with the goal of eventually doing the Friday Night Skate that winds through the city. But after a few attempts at street skating and witnessing some bad falls, I realized that I wasn’t that invested in a higher risk version of skating.
For 2024, here are some intentions I’m excited about exploring in the coming year:
Improve My Overall Stamina

I am overall happy with my health, and feel blessed to be able to do all the silly activities I do. But I’ve noticed that in the past couple of years that my overall stamina has declined. This came to a head in May when I was in Japan and found myself gassing out after walking for just an hour or so. My body was very unhappy with hills and flights of steps, to the degree that I was actively avoiding visiting places that were too far or too high. Which was a bit demoralizing, particularly when are in a place as beautiful as Kyoto!

So my goal in 2024 is to improve my overall stamina so I can continue to go on adventures like this and not have to limit myself too much.
My strategy right now is to re-integrate running into my life. Pre-pandemic, I was running several times a week and was able to knock out a five mile run pretty easily. So if I can get back to that level of fitness, I think that can help.
Currently I am doing a light jog for about 45 minutes, and it feels pretty good. I would love to get used to doing a one hour jog / run, which feels achievable.
I’ll be talking to my doctor about it soon.
Travel to Two Big Skate Events

I’ve been rhythm skating for more than three years now. It’s time that I went to experience a major center of the culture. To do that, I need to travel.
Rhythm skating comes from Black culture, and has its roots in cities like Atlanta, St Louis, Detroit, Houston and Chicago. So my goal in 2024 is to visit at least two of these places.
There are a bunch of big skate gatherings that happen throughout the year. Choosing which one to go to is the issue! Right now I’m planning to go to a weekend event in Las Vegas, as a start. But I’m really excited to visit a place I’ve never been to like Detroit, which has a skate event in May.
Produce a Video Essay
I’ve been making videos for a very long time. And I’ve taught video production to students and teachers for over a decade. But most of the work that I know and have done is very short-form – a few seconds to a minute or so.
I love video essays. I find them an interesting way of conveying an idea or present an argument, combining written essay conventions, audio story elements, and visual language to create a cohesive and hopefully compelling narrative for the viewer. I love the work of NerdWriter and Johnny Harris, as examples.
I have to the tools and lots of interests. Now I just need … a topic.
Also, not an intention, but just something I’m excited about. I REALLY want to figure out how to do this move on quad skates: the hydro-blade!