A Friend brought up at Quaker Meeting a few months ago the theater term “find your light.” Kaily Hansen and Ruthie Fierbird define it this way:
This means you are in the dark on stage and need to step into the light. The only light that follows an actor is the spotlight. When a spotlight isn’t in use it is the actor’s responsibility to perform where the lights are shining. Audience members can’t see you unless you are illuminated with the lights.
From “Theater Terms” , Wasatch Jr Theater
Theatercrafts.com defines it as
[an] important skill for an actor – being able to feel the light on your face, to know when you are correctly standing in a spotlight or lit area, and when you are standing just out of it.
From Theatercrafts.com
In so many things in life, we want someone to put the spotlight on us. We want to be seen, to be noticed.
But usually there isn’t a lighting technician being directed to shine the light on us. It’s our job to find the light. We need to find that confidence and bravery to step into the light, the risk being seen… and then to perform.