I have chronic and life long asthma. And it’s getting worse. I can’t leave the house without my rescue inhaler, in case I get a wheezing fit, which are becoming more and more frequent. Any physical activity can trigger it — walking up a couple flights of steps, rushing to catch a train, anything beyond…
Revisiting “The Message” (2011)
I have always had a really hard time watching myself dance. All I see are the mistakes, the awkwardness, the flaws. I have so many videos of me dancing on my computer that I have never looked at. I’m trying to get better at being kind and compassionate with myself, including my own artistic expression….
On Lindy Hop, Language and Declining a Dance
I’ve gotten to the age as a lindy hopper where I feel empowered to be a “swing snob.” You know the person — they only dance with certain people, maybe their regular partner and a couple of their friends. That’s a label I’m willing to bear. At this point, I’m lindy hopping maybe once or…
TRON Costume Rebooted: “I roll for the users!”
A couple of years ago, I put together a TRON costume for $60 that I was pretty proud of. I decided to enhance it for 2022, which happens to be the 40th anniversary of the original TRON movie. The most visible addition to this rebooted costume was an LED visor that definitely turned a lot…
Charlestons + Hat Tricks on a Fashion Runway
I can’t believe I just did a dance gig at a freaking fashion show where I threw down solo jazz, charleston and hat tricks?!? And I managed not to drop the hat??? It all started when Sarah Bush, a dancer / choreographer / dance troupe founder I know, contacted me about a possible gig about…
Aria and Riki’s Disneyland Adventure!
I’ve been to Disneyland who knows how many times in my fortunate life. But this last trip may be one of the sweetest: my first Disney trip with my niece Aria. There are lots of ways to experience Disney parks — with your family, with friends, solo. I’ve done them all — with the exception…
A Public Service Announcement for Skaters
Sadly, over the last few days, friends of mine have had personal property taken, been subjected to sexual harassment and even threatened with physical violence. Yes, the skating rink is generally a safe and fun place. But there are shady folks out there. So I created this little PSA as a heads up.
Salman Rushdie on Terrorism
Salman Rushdie wrote this remarkable essay just days after 9/11 in 2001. I think of it often. Particularly this line: The fundamentalist believes that we believe in nothing. In his world-view, he has his absolute certainties, while we are sunk in sybaritic indulgences. To prove him wrong, we must first know that he is wrong….
Just a Normal Tuesday at the Rink
For the past couple of years the Skating Place in Golden Gate Park has been my second home. Here’s a little taste of what makes it so magical. It’s a Tuesday in late August in San Francisco. It’s been annoyingly chilly the past few days, but the sun is out today! A perfect time to…
Deep and Riki’s Skate Showcase!
So last Sunday was the semi-annual Skate Showcase at the Golden Gate Park Skating Place, my second home for the past two years. This is a celebration of the SF skate community and a chance for folks to show off their skate dancing skills in a friendly and chill environment. Last year you will recall…