Happy Press Freedom Day! Here’s some of Rapporteurs Sans Frontieres statistics on press repression around the world this year: 24 Journalists killed 5 Media Assistants killed 125 Journalists imprisoned 4 Media Assistants imprisoned 65 Cyberdissidents imprisoned Also check out Freedom House’s world map of press freedom. Support your local press freedom, freedom of expression, or…
“Plain Dress” and simplicity in virtual living
Quakers have as one of our core values the testimony of "Simplicity." This applies to everything from the way we spend our money to the kind of cars we drive. In particular though, this simplicity has been most manifested by the traditional form of dress associated with Quakers, i.e. "The Quaker Oats Man." Historically, Quakers…
Yehoodi Talk Show episode 414 rockin your video player
Episode #414 of the Yehoodi Talk Show featuring myself and my buddy Spuds is on the air! In this show, by popular demand, we show even more entertaining / painful swing videos and update you on what’s going on in the world of lindy hop. You can download the Mpeg-4 version (100 megs) or add…
CORRECTION: IVM offers SL marketing help for non-profits
I got the cool news a few days ago that SL marketing firm Infinite Vision Media will be offering their services pro bono for non-profits as part of their "Social Responsibility Initiative"! I am very excited about anything that makes it easier for non-profits to get started in using virtual worlds more effectively to achieve…
SavetheInternet.com wins a Webby!
Congratulations to Free Press and the Save the Internet coalition for winning a Webby “People’s Choice” award today! The other nominees were: “Green my Apple” http://www.greenpeace.org/apple by Greenpeace International “International Rescue Committee” http://www.theirc.org by Threespot Media “Make Up Make Out” http://www.makeupmakeout.com by Bradley and Montgomery “My Wonderful World” http://MyWonderfulWorld.org by National Geographic Society “SaveTheInternet.com” http://www.savetheinternet.com/…
Strange sim of the week: Call 811 before you dig!
This week, the Public Works Resource Center (teleport SLURL) is holding a series of events to raise awareness of the new "811" call service, which is launching tomorrow (May 1). What is 811 for, you ask? 811 is the new number you should call before you begin any digging project. A new, federally-mandated national "Call…
STA Travel dorms: the future of SL housing?
Over the weekend I stopped by the new STA Travel sim, created by the Electric Sheep Company. For those who haven’t been to college in awhile, STA Travel is a ubiquitous presence in campuses all over America, tempting you with discounted travel packages to farflung places. Nothing makes an Intro to Electrical Engineering class go…
Added video and audio streams to Yehoodi HQ in Second Life
Slowly I am starting to get established Yehoodi’s in-world presence, in our new HQ at the Non-profit Commons (teleport SLURL). Today’s lesson in Second Life living was "How to set up an audio and video stream on your property." It’s so easy that even a dummy like me could figure it out. I got both…
“Planet B-boy”: amazing documentary on breakdance around the world
Last night Cindy and I were lucky enough to catch the documentary "Planet B-Boy," playing as part of the Tribeca Film Festival. The setting was pure New York: a large outdoor screen set up at the World Financial Center gathering various strata of NY society — from Staten Island guidos to Williamsburg artsies to rowdy…
Happy Fun Smile : Okinawan pop straight outta New York
Cindy and I finally got to see the NY-based Japanese pop band "Happy Fun Smile" at the Sakura Matsuri (cherry blossom) festival at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens today. They played a fun set of okinawan traditional pop and Japanese chindonya, all of it high energy and highly entertaining for a packed crowd of garden visitors. …