As I wrote in the previous post, lots of 2024 was spent dealing with external events that impacted my life. Which was a lot. But I also accomplished quite a bit. Published the Definitive History of I began 2024 with the release of a 39-page history of the online community, a labor of…
Category: The Spirit
2024 Year in Review: Bad Knees, Bullies, Death and Unexpected Joy
At its face, 2024 was not the best year ever. Let’s run down the awfulness: But honestly, despite all of these events – and in some ways because of them – 2024 was still a pretty great year. Let’s break it down. Problems Money Can Solve Someone said “You are fortunate if you have problems…
Dr. Rick Hanson’s Triangle of What Is True
Dr. Rick Hanson is a Buddhist practitioner and lecturer who does a weekly meditation that has been speaking to my condition a lot lately. This latest one is particularly interesting: “The Good News That’s Still True.” Rick shares out this graphic describing what he calls the “Triangle of What Is True.” Each level he describes…
“How Can I Keep From Singing?” Lyrics
I think of the hymn “How Can I Keep From Singing?” as Quaker in origin, but that doesn’t appear to be historically accurate. It was certainly adopted by Quakers, around the time of the abolitionist era. “How Can I Keep From Singing?” (1868) My life goes on in endless songAbove earth’s lamentations,I hear the real,…
Good Bones (poem)
Good Bones By Maggie Smith (2015) Life is short, though I keep this from my children. Life is short, and I’ve shortened mine in a thousand delicious, ill-advised ways, a thousand deliciously ill-advised ways I’ll keep from my children. The world is at least fifty percent terrible, and that’s a conservative estimate, though I keep this…
George Fox on the Ocean of Darkness (quote)
This quote from George Fox’s journal from 1647 feels apropos right now, a couple of days before the election: I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death, but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness.
The Hype Man
Every day at the rink I see skaters working on “unlocking” a move — backwards skating, transitions, spins, crazy legs… I see their knitted brows and frowns as they concentrate on getting it down, sometimes for five minutes, sometimes for weeks or months. I don’t always offer tips or help, because not everyone wants that….
Six Months of PT in the Bag!
Today I’m celebrating six months of physical therapy! On the plus side, doing daily PT I believe has helped to mitigate knee pain and be able to walk for longer periods of time. And the exercises are not too onerous — basically they are part of my daily morning prep and evening wind down, which…
My Self-Care Circle
I did this back in 2021, but it still does a pretty job of expressing different ways that I show care and love to myself. How I express self-care: UPDATE 12/7/2024: I recently found out this idea of a “self-care rainbow” comes from illustrator / artist Decade2Doodle / Steph Ferrell Crigler. Original source.
Bella is Gone But…. Meet My New Motor Scooter!
A week and a half ago, my luck with Bella the motor scooter finally ran out. Bella was stolen from a motorcycle parking lot in SOMA in a brief 20 minute window while I was getting dinner at the new IKEA food hall. It really really sucks to lose her. I had a lot of…